waiting for our miracle...
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- MikeandRonAdopt
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Keep the faith, guys! Your baby will come! I understand feeling sad, but try to keep your head up. It will be worth the wait, I promise.June 2011
MikeandRonAdoptFeeling sad... Feeling like a birthmom will never pick us... This past 20 months has felt like 20 years...June 2011
mrsrocketfield1221DON'T GIVE UP!!! you seem to be great guys, and will be a great family to some child/children some day! hopefully soon!! lots or happy thoughts and prayers to you... stay strong and your dream of a family will all come together!! you're puzzle piece will come, i just know it!! <3
Question... which is Mike and which is Ron? I know which one is Pluto.June 2011
MikeandRonAdoptMike is on the right in the pic. Ron is on the left in the Dreamgirls t shirt. I (mike) am the one always on here though. Ron hate's computers. lol
Just wanted to tell you that we are praying for you. My husband and I are choosing to use a donor to have a baby I was wondering if you had considered it? I watched this documentary about how you can buy a donor egg and use a surrogate to conceive. Since wr are a little unconventional my husband decided that he would convert to episcopalian from catholicJune 2011
MikeandRonAdoptI have been Episcopalian my whole life. I grew up in the Church. I hope your hubby finds it as welcoming a Spriitual home as we do. We've thought about surrogacy, it's just very expensice. Also with adoption, you prepay so if we walked away from our Adoption Ageny, we'd be walking away from a lot of money.
ExcitedtobeOh I see. Well I know a couple in the church we were going to, they adopted three kids two brothers and a sister so I'm sure it'll workout for you we'll keep you in our prays :)
Just wanted to let u know the bat was caught and beheaded.... thanks tho....June 2011
MikeandRonAdoptLOL... You are too funny. You should've kept him around for a few months. it would have made a cool Halloween decoration.
Hello, i've been seeing your posts on here and i "liked" u guys on fb. I just wanted u to know that ur in my prayers. I hope ur dreams come true. Keep up the faith. It will happen. Your child will be blessed to have u guys... as u guys will b blessed to have ur child.June 2011
I hope u both get the bundle of joy u are waiting for
good for you for wanting a family and going for it. I hope the best.
June 2011 -
I was wondering if you guys ever thought about getting a surrogate mother and using you're sperm.May 2011
MikeandRonAdoptWe've talked about it a little, but surrogacy is very expensive. To do it the right way (medically, etc you can spend 50k+) ... Also with adoption you prepay, so if we walked away from our adoption agency we'd be walking away from tens of thousands of dollars... Also, being a family that can't exactly make babies on our own.. there's just something that feels *right* about adoption...
Hi Mike and Ron!!
just saw your ttc (ish) post and had to write you both... I Think many of us get angry and discouraged and I think the strength and courage show in your adoption story can help us hold our heads high as well! It's inspirational and I thank you. I'm always here to share stories or vent when needed...
wishing You guys the best of luck. I Hope your blessing comes soon. You're in my prayers for sure!!
May 2011-
mrsrocketfield1221Of course!! Please keep me in the loop as to how it's all going!! I'm rooting for ya!
MikeandRonAdoptWe are a NJ family that enjoys a life filled with love, laughter, security and family. We're hoping to meet a mom-to-be who is considering adoption. If you are a mom-to-be who is considering adoption or you know of someone else who is, please get in touch with us.May 2011
Are you all looking for a surrogate or are you all just wanting to adopt. Just wondering. I thought I saw you all had a facebook but I forgot what it was. Wish you all the bat of luck!!!May 2011
MikeandRonAdopt:) We're just sticking with the adoption route due to the cost if surrogacy and because the adoption is already paid for. We just try to get "our names" out there because our Agency doesnt do nearly enough advertising (in our opinion) so we're trying to help the process along by being proactive.
momofSOONtobe7Awe well that's cool. Wish you all luck. I want to be a surrogate badly but I highly doubt I would be able to be one. Send me some info and ill be more then happy to help you all out. Sorry I did.t respond sooner I didn't realize you responsed to me.
i like your picture! its cute!! I hope you two find a baby soon!May 2011
Just like to say you seem like great guys and really hope you get your lil baby soon ******lots of baby dust*******May 2011
MikeandRonAdoptI wish some people knew just how lucky they are to be able to say "oops, we made a baby" ... What an amazing thing that must be...May 2011
finallyamommaI really like that...to me a baby is never a mistake! My son was an "opps we made a baby" but I would never want to change that oops for the world! Good luck on your journy to parenthood I am sure blessings will come your way soon!
Hello guys just wanted to say that I love your postiveness on the forum and wishing that your little miracle comes soon for yallMay 2011
MikeandRonAdoptthank you. some days it's easier to stay positive than others... but we try! Other than this seemingly never ending wait to be selected by a "birthmom" we have a pretty great life, so it's nice to be able to be a part of this and maybe help out some people who are struggling and need a kind word or some advice.
Hey, I'm sorry. I didnt mean it to put off any anger or anything. Jusy want to let you know that yed, I did come offensive and my fault. I dont want this to become something else. I think you guys are wonderful people, I'm sorry. I didnt mean for it to be offensive. As again, I'm sorry. I feel really bad.May 2011
Oh I just realized why you thought that was offensive. I think she didn't mean to put it that way or was a typo but I'm sure she didn't mean to put "that wrong"i didn't see it at first. I had to scroll up and see what you were talking about,but I'm almost positive that she didn't mean gays.May 2011
Welcome to Pregly
Glad all the drama lately didn't shy you away.
May 2011 -