finally my little prince is here!!! Nashon Antonio Waller March 9, 2011 @ 9:45 7lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches long
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- mrs
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mrsfinally my little prince is here!!! Nashon Antonio Waller March 9, 2011 @ 9:45 7lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches longMarch 2011
Hey lady ; how ya doin ! &nd congrats on ur bby ! I can't wait till its my turnMarch 2011
mrswere doing good.. finally home... i was an amazing experience i watched the whole thing :) how are you n the belly doing?
mrsIts officially my due date n I'm excitied! I probably have another 10 days before Nashon arrives but I'm happy we made it full term considering my miscarriage last year..... thnk you lordMarch 2011
mrsfound out that i'm 1 cm today.. my due date is march 3rd n my doc is tellin me i'll be a lil pass due.. but if i'm still pregnant next monday that i'll be induced... I'm really hopin my lil butt butt comes before monday cause im ready n waitingMarch 2011
mrsThis is my first baby! I'm having a little boy March 3rd 2011 and I'm so excitied. Is there anything important I should know about rasing little boysJanuary 2011
mz_sandersIf u dont get him circumsized u have 2 pull back this thing when he takes a bath til he can do it on his own so it wont get infected