the elite club of women who have natural births



  • I definitely brag about having my daughter naturally. I wouldn't say I'm elite. Having a natural birth was a great accomplishment for me and I'm very proud of it.
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  • @aortiz22 I'm happy to have had 2 live births naturally. And I can't wait to have this baby soon. Im really looking forward to this upcoming birth. and I feel your passion for educating women that they can still have a natural, painfree birth with no drugs if they are prepared.
  • edited March 2011
    If you read my post correctly I say "women who are scared INTO using drugs". There is a huge difference between knowing ur options and choosing one, as apose to choosing something and getting so much negative feedback from society that you are litterly scared into the norm that is using drugs. In no way did I ever say or intend to mean that women who choose drugs ar too scared to go natural. Reread the original post without negativity and bias.

    I wouldn't expect someone who has picked the norm to understand the pressure, negativity and fear driven into a person who has chosen all natural. I stopped half way through my pregnancy telling people my choice. Because all I was told was that I couldn't do it and that I would be screaming for drugs my entire birth. I'm so sorry that I thought this forum was meant to suppot and respect eachothers opinions.

    And when I say elite I mean it in the definition of a small group who do something that not all people can or choose to do.

    Ignorance is what drives hatred and negativity in this world. If I had any intention of offending anyone or trying to hurt anyones feeling it would have been blatant. I know hormones are in full swing but its no excuss for you to misinterpret and then make somone feel like crap for posting what was intended as a positive message to the underdog of society which the natural birthing mom.

    But don't worry we deal with this from almost every direction from the moment we choose this path. We are strong enough to make it through natural birth we are also strong enough to not let your negative thoughts get to us.

    This will be my last post to this site since I can now see it only fosters an enviroment for misappropriated hatred.
  • I understand the offended reaction to your posting and comments because the word "elite" means that you are superior in some way. I have not given birth with or without drugs. I also had a negative initial reaction to the title of your post.
  • Wow u women are harsh. If u don't like it don't read it. Don't ruin someones forum to sopport a group of women just because you don't get it. Move on to something that relates to u instead...
  • I am closing this for now until I go go thru it all& go from there. I have had some complaints, but am a little busy to deal with it immediately. So I will be back to check it out.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
  • Okay, I have gone thru all the comments. I don't see any wrong doing here, other than the initial title seemed a little offensive to someone who was just scrolling thru discussions & when you said that 'I often feel so much sympathy for women who were either scared or forced into using any kind of drug to give birth' made others feel that they were being judged or condoned if they had pain medication during labor & delivery. I see it was the wording used ultimately made others get offended when there wasn't any intention of it being meant that way. I stress that wording be thought out when posting because these things end up happening just by how its worded. I really hope everyone who was involved initially & from now on with this discussion knows it wasn't anything negative towards women who have used pain medication during labor & delivery, but like with the other groups on here (i.e. teen moms, military moms, high risk, etc) this person was simply seeking out other women who shared her views on preferring natural childbirth. Thanks!

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
  • my guy friends would make fun of a heavily tattooed chick asking for pain meds-ego won and will win
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  • wish I had natural! went so far without meds when doc told me I needed a emergency c section...and now im stuck with another repeat c section again!! but yay for those strong mommies! im happy for u all that went natural :)
  • Thinkin of having a little gas, does anyone think this is a bad idea?
  • boys like it when you can pee farther than them. reeeally, being intimidated by a 5'3 girl weighing less than 100lbs prepregnancy and enjoys tattoos really makes you the chick that guys are afraid love for the girly man.
  • @homebirthadvocate I so agree with you. She is only finding like minded people and I see nothing wrong with what she said. I'm all for the natural way too and yes it can be done. Don't let recent negativity upset you. Sometimes people bring others down to make themselves feel better.
  • Birth is scary. It hurts like nothing else in this world and as pregnancy mostly sucks, its totally up to the one birthing the baby if they choose to terminate, birth with pain medication, at home or in a hospital or if they decide that they must pursue an option not mentioned. The beauty of todays birth environment is we have choices.
  • Provided everything goes ok, I plan on having a natural birth. It's something I've always wanted as long as I can remember.
  • edited March 2011
    I run marathons. Not many women do that. Am I elite? ;)
  • Repeat c-sections were required years ago with the classic cut;however, that is no longer the case. I would get second opinions if ur docs r telling u this. My sister in law had an emergency c section and was told by her doctor that with her second as long as she is healthy natural will be fine. I also asked My doctor because my sisters doc forced her into a second c-section and he said "she got hosed, normal vaginal delivery is the goal"
  • I had natural birth and felt SO powerful afterwards but also felt ashamed to share it with others. Felt sad for women who's experience was negative but didn't want to pity them. Felt proud of my self but didn't want to brag. Felt angry when someone would say how easy it was for me cause it wasn't. I am so so proud of what I did, CAN'T WAIT to do it again and wish I knew the right way to empower others to believe in themselves enuf to try. Cheers @aortiz22 thanks for reaching out.
  • I have had two c-sections (first due to stalled labor; the second was planned due to my first son's gargantuan size and the liklihood of giving birth to another giant). To stay with my doctor I must have a third. I have been ridiculed, criticized and made to feel less than because of my scheduled c-sec (the second one) and as a result I tend not to tell people that I am having a third. I wanted very much to try vbac without meds, but I don't want to switch doctors and I don't want anyone else to deliver my baby. It's not only women who choose to deliver without drugs who get judged. :( people just aren't always very nice when they don't agree with you.
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