the best thing we did after giving birth was...

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
We did a solid week without contact to the outside world. The day after coming home we told our family what we were doing, bought all the food we would need for a week. Locked ouselves up in our house, turned off our phones, and disconected the tv, and we just spent a beautiful week just getting to know our baby :) the only outside contact we had in that week was our eclectic pizza delivery guy :)

It was a great bonding experience for all three of us. I plan to do it again with baby 2.


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  • edited March 2011
    Lol I love it. I had pizza delivered :) great post!
  • edited March 2011
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  • ...had Mimi watch my daughter so we could sleep!!
  • @mama_kat sorry you had to go through that, but look at what you got out of it. I'm sure well worth it.
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  • I would like to try the no contact thing, but for 6 weeks while I'm healing. I'm not a ppl person & I don't want company or ppl bothering me while I'm bonding with my baby.
  • 6 weeks I love it! It was the best thing my family did. We took naps and showers together, and it was a great to learn to breastfeed without interuption or distraction. I hope ur 6 weeks works out, ur baby is lucky you can do something so wonderful for em.
  • I would love to try something like that. I doubt my mother in law would actually stay away tho. Me and my hubby have actually thot about locking the door and just not answering if they knock. :D both of our families are trying to be the best helpers ever with the pregnancy, birth, and childcare. Sadly its more annoying than helpful. It's like they are competing with each other.
  • We didn't answer the door unless it was for pizza. Seriously its worth it to have your week. You can do a anti invitation that you send out explaining what you are doing and telling people to stay away. I had about 50 missed calls when I turned my phone back on, but its my family and I wanted a good loving start for my baby. As much as people try to help and give advice you are the one gets to make the final decision on what is best for your family.
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  • That. Is. An. AWESOME. Idea.
    I think I'm going to steal it!!!
  • I sent hobby out for ihop immediately because I was starving! Everyone could hear my stomach growling while I was pushing! This time I plan on doing the same, it really hit the spot :)
  • Thanks @momfor2! This Is my first child, so I already started telling ppl about my six weeks. They're groaning & complaining already which I don't care.
  • edited March 2011
    When I gave birth to my son we did that I loved it n plus I couldn't really moves after been cut down in my vag my husband was the best he got me everything n helpped out a lot I'm deffly doin it with this baby too n it would be a great idea my son can bond too
  • That would have been great. My in law came to town special for both my boys and pretty much didn't give me any choice. I had to spend 1st day out around a ton a people. My second I had postpartum depression and cried when people held my baby. This time I just hope to have a home. Then at least I can make them come to me instead of me going to them. And that would give me the say on who comes over.
  • A great excuse to ward off unwanted company is to blame ur doc. Say "sorry the doc said no visitors because the baby could get sick with all these flu bugs going around." As for the inlaw its your family and your baby so tell the B to back off. Or make ur hubby do it. What's nice about the week seclution is u don't make an exception for anyone. Most of all needy mother in laws looking to relive their boys baby days.
  • O I think my mother in law is trying to make it up to my hubby for not actually raising him when he was a baby. She pawned him off on her sister. She didn't start actually doing anything with him til he was 8 and she was having his little sister. So now shes trying to be stuck up MY butt during the pregnancy and says she will have our son all the time after he's born. Honestly shes treating me like her seragate mother(sorry. Can't spell. Lol).
  • Wow. I would tell hubby to take care of telling her to back off. As a mom its ur job to do what's best for your baby and she does not get to have a second chance using you or your baby. Grrrr angry horomons!!
  • The best thing I did after both my kids were born was to get out of the house. I packed up my first and we went all over the place together until it got cold (he was born in september), just the two of us. I loved it. With my second we stopped on the way home at my brother-in-law's great aunt's 85th bday party and she got to hold him, she looked like she was in heaven, she didn't put him down the whole day (she lost her son when he was 3 so I think it took her back). I couldn't be out quite as much with my second since it was december and I also had a 2 year old, and that was hard for me. I HATE being cooped up. This time will be even harder since my boys will be almost 5 and almost 3.
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