should i tell him?

edited March 2011 in Single moms
Ok so me and this guy were off and on for over two years but this is my second time being pregnant by him, the first one ended up in a mc. He knows I'm pregnant now but I wasent sure at first if I was gonna keep the baby or not, so he thinks I'm getting rid if it. I now have decided to keep my baby and move home to Texas to be near all my family. I know he doesn't want another kid at all. He will be moving to Virginia for school. He has already told me he doesn't want to be apart of the babys life so I was wondering if I should even tell him I'm keeping the baby since he or she will have my last name anyway?


  • I think you should tell him so that he is not left out in the dark....but just be careful with your feelings regarding his response
  • I Think you should. Its not fair to the baby. If he chooses not to be in the babies life thats on him. At least you did your part by telling him
  • Id tell him and if really wants no part of the babys life get it in writing have him sign over his parental rights.
  • I think he should know. So he cant come back later saying he had no idea!
  • I would tell him and make sure u get his new address so u know where to send child support documents....raising babies isn't cheap, and him saying he doesn't want to see the baby doesn't mean its not half his and half his financial responsibility....
  • Well, he will be very confused if he thinks ur not keeping it and he gets served with support papers down the line, its gonna cause drama.
  • I think you should tell him because that would give him a chance to see the bigger picture and maybe he will come around and be a dad to the baby . It will also give him some thinking and growin up to do . I don't think you should leave him out of the loop about the baby because many people get mad and you don't know how he will react if he find out later on in life. He might want NOTHING to do with the baby because he don't know him personally or he might just try to take you to court and be nasty about the whole situation .
  • I would tell him, that way he has the choice to be some part. Plus a few years down the road, find each other on Facebook and you have a munchkin that looks just like him that could be a huge disaster and when/if you tell him tell him like you told us. I know you don't want another child, but I'm deciding to keep it. And if he starts to flip out Nd bring up I thought you would abort it cut him off and say I can move back to Texas and raise it with my family, I just wanted to give you an option. That way he knows, but won't attack you bc he won't feel trapped? You know what I mean
  • I would deff tell him! Maybe at this point he doesn't want 2 deal with it but later he may. If he doesn't know he doesn't have a choice which is unfair. Either way I'm glad u kept the baby it makes u a good mom!
  • Tell him because he needs to know the baby exists, and therefore doesn't cause any problems down the road.
  • Tell him and have him relinquish his rights since he doesnt want any part in it but u should def tell him so your baby doesnt blame u
  • @kristin1185 ... I wish you the best of luck... It sound slike you have a lot on your plate. I hope your family gives you the support that you deserve :)
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