6 weeks and 2 days preggos, any sept mamas in the house ;)



  • I'm due Sept sometime, having trouble remembering when my last period started, never the same 2 months n a row, lol!! Just pretty sure I was on it during. Christmas
  • i'm due september 11 && im 14 weeks ( :
  • Im due Sept 15th ツ
  • Im due sept 1st...I think people should def. Wait til 3 months bc its safer...the first 3 months is critical so I just wanna make sure...super excited though...telling family is ok though...its everybody else to wait to tell..lol...good luck!!!
  • Im due september 20 th . When I first found outt I couldnt keep the new to myself.. I found outt what im having in 6 weeks.. Im hoping for a girl :X
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