
edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Ive had my bellyring for over 10yrs...its never bothered me or been in the way of nething, so I havent really needed to take it off...i know eventually im gonna need to...any of u girls had one?? & when did u take it off?? im 11 wks 5 days :)


  • edited March 2011
    Ladies, my dr noticed my ring and suggested I get a maternity ring. Maternity rings are bendable & adjust as your belly grows, regular rings can cause them to get irritated or even have flabby skin (over the bar) after the pregnancy. I didn't even ask her about my ring, she just told me this.. so I got the maternity ring & haven't had any problems with it (:
  • Do not leave it in too long!!!!!!! I did, and it bloody hurts man. It got infected and stretched. I ordered some mat ones online but they're still not here. Honestly, as soon as they pinch, feel tight, or itch, pull that shit out!!!
  • edited March 2011
    I heard that yu wpuld wnt to take them out b4 yu get so big bc if something happen nd they need to do a emergency c section some can get stuck in nd its hard to get them out. But I only had mine 2 years nd I took it out at 23 weeks nd its still open. I just stick it in wheneva I think abt it to make sure it doesn't close
  • Im preggo with number 3 and never had to take mine out except during labor.
  • I took mine out but I want it back I had it for like 7years....
  • I bought maternity rings: One is a regular one, and the other is a nonmetallic retainer in case I have to have a C-section. I've heard navel ring holes close up very quickly (within a few minutes), so I wasn't going to risk having to get this re-done after my pregnancy. LoL.
  • I've had mine pierced for 12 yrs and took it out with my son for six months and it went right back in. After he was born I got the bottom pierced as well and I took that out about a wk. Ago hope it stays open otherwise I'll just get it redone I guess
  • I'm 15wks my midwife told me to take it out now, so it doesn't get all stretched and scarred. I've had it for ten years so I doubt it will close. But like @amiyahsmommy I'm gonna put it in every once in a while to check lol. My belly feels naked.
  • @starrxoxo9, the maternity rings adjust with your growing belly.. it won't be stretched or scarred.. if keeping it is what you want!
  • At about 15 weeks i had to take mine out, the hole has stretched out so much where my belly has gotten bigger that i was asleep one night & i woke up to the whole ball part in the hole!
  • Irefuse to take mine out even tho by bf begs me just gonna get a larger flexible 9w5d.
  • Im 22 weeks just took it out last week cuz it was annoying and showing through my shirts.
  • I just got a bendy mat one I've had mine done for about 7 years and bottom one to took bottom one out last year and I've had top one out a few weeks at a time before never closed up :) x
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