I want my energy back :(

How long is this gonna last all I want to do is sleep :/ I'm so used to being hyper and now it takes every ounce of energy just to clean one room in my house :'( anything I can do to get my energy back? Certain foods maybe?


  • i have the same prob im 6 weeks and still tired all the time i have been told by 2nd trimester you have alot of energy untill the 3rd trimester and tiredness sets back in but idk just what i herd
  • edited March 2011
    @jkringle4910 Thats what my doctor said but god I cant stand being so drained! I cant afford to be tired I have a hyper toddler :p im almost 9 weeks so 3 more weeks till 2nd trimester.
  • I'm 16 weeks and I still have no energy; I was the same w my last two, I was dead tired for a year. I have yet to find anything that helps except lots of sleep (which is impossible this time with a 2 and 4 year old). :(
  • @magcaw :/ I have a 18 month old and he has been terrible for the past week not listening to anyone! Now he wont take his nap and I cant get him to go to bed till hubby gets home @ 1am :/ its horrible.
  • Well I am a little over 8 weeks and the last couple were tough for me. I have 2 jobs and get 7 hrs of sleep on a good night. I am starting to get back a little bit but at night when I go to be I literally crash. I wake up in the same position that I went to sleep. I think it just depends on the person. The more active I am the more energy I have.
  • @mrs_rodney If I could drink coffee or my java chiller I think i'd be fine!
  • Lol @michellelannan yea caffeine is a great pick me up but bad for everything else lol.
  • I'm 32weeks and going crazy I don't have any energy all I want to do is lay around but my 2yr old say NO!! Lol
  • @rachel7227 my son is almost 19 months and he is not going for me resting lol he says mama up points at his toys and says plaaaaay its cute but I just wanna lay on the couch lol
  • I'm 7 weeks and the fatigue is getting on my nerves as well. I work 2nd shift but I usually am an early bird and enjoy my day before work. Now I get up in just enough time to get dressed and get to work on time. I feel like such a bum.
  • I am 15 weeks and so far I have been drained my entire pregnancy! I used to have so much energy now all i do is sleep and think about sleep I have never slept so much in my life Omg! I hope my baby sleeps as much as he or she ls making me sleep now :)
  • @smiley114 its aggravating im usually up super early getting breakfast made and cleaning now im like microwave waffles here we come lol @3xit3dm0mmy2b I didnt even get this tired with my son :/ maybe that means this ones a girl :D :D lol
  • Ha yeah everyone makes fun of me cuz i never move from the couch unless i got to pee or am going to bed. I have been doing better. Actually made my self go grocery shopping and cook a big dinner and even clean up the whole house. But now i am exhausted!
  • @MichelleLannan according to my culture "girls make you super tired n sleepy" I was exactly like tht with my previous girl pregnancies, with my 1st boy I was out n about, having fun n wanting to look prettty! With this pregnancy I hav girls symptons but I will find out later on, its still early! Lol

  • edited March 2011
    @babymama I love my couch haha @mrs_riviere82 I hope its a girl I have my boy now I want my girl then adopt in 3 or 4 years then im set :D im so ready to find out what we're having were having a 4d at 16 weeks so maybe we'll find out then :) how far are you?
  • I am drained of all my energy and I'm only 5 wks... :( I just don't want to neglect my family and also I'm worried that I'm gonna gain so much more weight cuz I'm just to tired to be active..
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