Old whifes tales for telling sex of baby

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Just want to know or guess what I am having


  • There's a discussion on here where a girl does this little "for fun" test and tells your gender.. she's been pretty accurate! Her name is robin something.. try searching it (:
  • Look up gender ring test too
  • Thanks I'll try it
  • Actually ithink the girl robin doesnt reply to those anymore...they got to be alot to answer with over 1000 requests. She does however explain her method in one of her posts. There are many other wives tales to search for...like the penny test or red cabbage test or the ring test.
    Hope this helps!
  • Did you try the Chinese gender predictor? I hear it's about 50% accurate. 8-|
  • @dmaciel try using the chinese calendar gender .. many females i know says it works.. good luck :)
  • Ok thanks was looking for that post and can't find it
  • The old wifes tale didn't work for me. I didn't ttyl it nut drano crystals and morning urine is supposed to work like a genders kit. You can Google it how it works and results
  • Lol did the calender says boy then did some other thing my friend gave me it said girl so who knows I kinda want a girl
  • @dmaciel hope you get your little girl.. i kind of want a girl too
  • I did the chinese calender n it was right for me
  • The thing robin was probably doing was she gets the mothers bday n the day u concieved. If u have that info I can do it for u also
  • Lol @mollybygolly all tests are at least 50% accurate bc there are only two genders
    Lol and I have taken.a bunch that say girl but I feel like I'm having a b
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