if u comment on how much i eat i will b a bi**h

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I think people whether they r family or not should never ever mention how much u r eating or anything about getting fatter while u are pregnant. I swear if I hear anything again about it I will be the biggest bit** ever!!!! I'm already paranoid stop adding to it! It especially scares me cuz I know my secret battle with an eating disorder that not even my parents know... I keep myself in check but psychologically its damaging to hear mean things :(... only my doctor is allowed to say I'm too fat... and she hasn't yet :P


  • Good luck keep ur head up n dont listen to haters lol
  • There's just something adorable about a pregnant woman stuffing her face in, in my opinion. I realize how annoying the comments are, but I'm sure most of them mean well.
  • I was annoyed when I was eating some BBQ ribs for lunch today and someone asked me when I would start gaining the pregnancy weight... Rude!
  • I picked up my lunch and a coworker's from chipotle the other day, walked in with 2 big bags of food. Before I'd finished clocking in someone asked, "tell me all of that is for you." And then another woman said, "no, one is for her, and the other is for the baby."
  • @Jwigs I literally just laughed out loud! Baby making is hard work and takes a lot of energy! I don't think I eat a lot more than I used to though. ...
  • im with you on that one . its so mean nd hurtful to hear . were eatinq for two peopke y r others concerned bout wat or how much we eat . its not there bussiness .
  • And I don't know if this happens to you guys but I am literally starving all the time and if I don't eat every 2 or so hours I feel like im gonna hurl.
  • @314babymama1120 Me too! That's why I have to eat often and it helps with the nausea a lot. Luckily I am starting to get out of that constant ms stage, but I still have to make sure I eat often.
  • Some days I barely eat and others I can't stop... today was one of those days and my grandma tells me I am going to get too fat... I just told her to not watch what I eat nd that I am fine... but I felt bad cuz it was my grandma ......
  • im tired of ppl calling me fat. My doc says eat 3meals a day n have 3snacks n my mom says no. plus im pregnant. If im not eating for myself I have to eat for my baby. I dont get mad anymore., I get pissed off but its not just my mom.
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