im so sad..

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I been so bothered and irritated lately that I find myself yelling at my daughter :( I feel so mean that I make her cry thay I cry. I hate seeingy baby cry I love her so much shes my everything shes all I have right now and im all she has she adores me and when I yell at her I cry my eyes out! I hate that ive been this way lately. I cant stop crying :(


  • Aww that doesn't sound good at all. Is there anything in particular that is making you irritated or are you just feeling low?
  • Im the type of person that keeps everything bottled up and puts a fake smile on so my daughter wont see me cry.. I been easily snappy on everything and the smalliest things irritate me idont know if its because I only got 5wks left nut I hate to see my baby cry it breaks my heart! I cry for hours and i feel like a bad mpm
  • Aww bless ur heart. I don't ur mean and I don't think u meant to yell at her. U prolly juz tired or something that has to do with ur pregnancy.
  • I dont know I tell her im sorry over and over and even tho I know she forgives me I still feel like she hates me.
  • I do the same thing to my boys, and I feel just as awful. It's not fair that we take our frustrations out on our kids, but we're human and it happens. Your daughter knows you love her. Just keep working on it, and don't expect yourself to be perfect, that will just add to your stress.
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