


  • Mayb whn both of u r alone pop one n and imiate it n see wat happens :)
  • Um okay so my husband and I had issues about porn earlie in our relationship. We got help and here is things I learned. People can acually become addicted to porn. 78% of people who wacth porn are more likly to cheat. Porn can acualy slow someone sex drive. That being said this is not everyone. Some men don't have these problems. It is not aloud in my house any longer and I started out with nothing againts porn I thouht it was funny too.
  • Agreed w/ @natashalynn. It's a video, how is it cheating lol? Personally, to be jealous of it insecurity issue if you ask me. When I was like 17, it used to make me angry but my bf at the time explained it's human nature to be curious and it doesn't mean he looks at me any different. Your man is with you because he loves you and finds the deepest beauty in you, otherwise he wouldn't be with you right? Men love dirty, raunchy movies like women love purses and shoes and clothes lol! Maybe use that as an excuse to buy you a few new things and hide it from him hahaha!
  • With my guy, right when we got together, I told him to just be honest with me about everything, everyone makes mistakes, but I can work with honesty, I can't work with him lying because that means he has no respect for me. There was even one night when I was just so tired that I knew I wasn't pleasing him in bed, so he finished it himself after I fell asleep by watching porn. He told me the next morning, & I laughed. I asked him why he couldn't wait the 12 hours, & he just shrugged his shoulders. I wasn't upset, but I did make it up to him later. & its not that I wouldn't do the things in the movies, sometimes I'm just not that flexible, especially now.
  • @BkE913 Lmao!!! Good point. I don't view it as cheating, it just makes me mad when he hides it and lies about it. Like, man up and admit it and I'd be ok with it!

    @Julies_2 Good idea, thanks!
  • I know how u feel but um learning to be on with it.. for my Bf he says that heneeds time for himself and that although sex would be great at that time its still not alone time.. also there are some things he would rather watch then do like head and cum shots and group sex... which I understand but as soon as it starts interfering with my sex drive I let him know...
  • No
  • edited March 2011
  • For anyone who believes porn is just a way for a guy to fulfill his fantasies without cheating, read the book 100 days to better intimacy by Doug Weiss. Being a pysch major, I agree with his theory that it trains your brain to need whatever it is that stimulates your mind about that porn (red head, big boobs, etc), if you use that as your stimulation enough, you train your brain to need that stimulation to become aroused. So when whatever it is doesn't do it by just fantasizing anymore, than they're gonna go out and cheat.
  • I actually watch porn with the hubby somethimes i dont think that affect me even when im pregnant and my body is not the same that before! I prefert he watch it with me there so but he always start to watch porn and 10 m later we are done and doing our stuff lol.
  • Well said @bke913. I'm not trying to sound mean, but I also think that to be jealous of a porn star is to be insecurehell my bf drools over that red headed chicken (borats wife..I always forget her name lol) but at the end of the day I KNOW he loves ME...and he'll never have a chance with her haha
  • Um, this can be a hard one, my husband is 6 yrs older than me, so he has been around the block, I have also been around the block. My husband and I have a healthy sex life, in past relationships I have gotten jealous over porn, but now I watch it sometimes. I am so horny because I'm pregnant I cant keep my hands off my husband or myself. I am totally willing to do whatever he wants in the bedroom and he is also for me. I know in my heart that my stuff is good and I do what I have to to keep my husband satisfied, I am not intimidated by porn, I get ideas to do stuff to him and find new tricks and he loves them!! There is nothing sexier then a woman who loves to please her man in any way she can as long as she is comfortable. Now he doesn't even have time for porn cuz he is so worn out by me. I say embrace it...u might like it, and he will definitely be pleased with ur interest.
  • Like I said... do some research about how your brain works. I have been in movies and magazines before getting married and settling down, I am far from insecure (You're more than welcome to google me.... my maiden name was Diana Picallo if you don't believe me). Train your brain to need a certain physical or mental aspect for stimulation and it won't be long to your brain (or body) can't be stimulated without that aspect. Perfect example.... case study was a man who grew up with several brothers in a small house and had to share a room. So to get his privacy for "happy time" with himself, he would put his boots on and go out into the field at night after everyone was asleep. 30 years later, this same man cannot become aroused or reach orgasm without leaving his boots on.
  • Don't be offended, or jealous..jealousy isn't cute. I mean, every guy likes porn..& if they say they dnt..they're lying. If he doesn't hide it then there shouldn't be any problems. Let's face it..its not like they're ever going to get those girls..& who would want to anyway. The longer you've been together, the more u need to spice up ur sex life. Good luck to you ;)
  • & I've seen how they get ready before a video..what makes those woman & men look good is tons of make up. Nothing to be jealous about :)
  • I don't know if I agree with the longer your with someone the more you need to spice up your sex life. I have been with my husband for 12 years. At the begaining we were just lerning what each other liked now it just keeps getting better. I have to say I noticed a dramatic change when removed porn from our relationship and all for the better. And as for all guys liking porn duh! That doesn't make it okay. But everyones relationship is diffrent and you just need to fnd what works for the two of you.
  • I had a huge problem with porn... I hated it. I did feel like he was cheating by getting off by looking at another girl... but I realize that's its not really the women but more the actions and just getting to see the sex. Since being pregnant I've been soo much more wantubg sex and more open to trying everything. I really have been thinking about porn because it is arrousing. Especially together. He understands how it makes me feel when he watches alone.. so he doesn't look anymore... only together. Plus if he's in the mood and I'm not around... I gave him a couple photos of myself that he can use and he really seems to like the; )
  • It never bothered be before I got pregnant. Bc wed have amaizing sex so I didn't care what he looked at now that I'm pregnant and have this huge belly and feel discusting it bothers me...mainly bc we don't have sex bc he's afraide to hurt the baby and says he feels weird and can't block the baby from his mind when were in yhe middle. So now it bugs the shit outta me I want my pre preggo body back like yesterday
  • @quitana_britney thts great, he should makr u feel like tht! My bf makes me feel amazing even wen i feel at my lowest
  • @quitana_britney thts great, he should makr u feel like tht! My bf makes me feel amazing even wen i feel at my lowest
  • What da hell...ladys my bf was watching porn n lied to my face n said he wasnt but i was it on his search engine on his iphone .
  • He lied for fear of your response. So what he watched porn. He isn't cheating.
  • Hell, I met my fiance at a porn store. He was the manager and I happened to be buying a new toy because I was single on Valentine's Day. We were dating by the end of the month.

    I never have any fear that he would ever cheat on me... especially with a porn star. You realize some of those women need reconstructive surgery on their bums from too much back door action? Ew. Who really wants that over their gorgeous, pregnant wife/girlfriend? Honey, if your man actually wants that then you've got bigger problems.

    It's just that they have different hormones, different cravings. And porn helps fill in the ridiculous part of their cravings.
  • Lol I posted something about this about a month ago...when I found my prefect hubby with it on his offended. I was hurt because I am prego...not in the sexiest stage of life and he just confirmed that! I wish I knew what to say...other than I feel your pain!@brittbabiie
  • My husband like porn he see it constantly, he says that just fantasy. He say he'S MARRIED with me because he loves me and he still thinking im the hotter girl he knows even im pregnant ... I dont like porn bucause he's with me and he likes to me look beutifull and confie with my bodie now even with 20 pound extra, he is being charming with my pregnacy lol he likes to help me get a shower...i love him and if u feel the same forget about that and u not gonna be preg forever lol
  • No but the point is we discussed the porn issue n he saud i wont watch it hes been doing good n here we r again 2months later n i busted him..honestly im not mad.about the porn i jyst nicely said y u watching porn n he lied thats what im hurt about..i told him just tell the truth n will forget about ut he continued to lie about it
  • personally for me ladies. I haven't watched porn since I got into a serious relationship w my gf. I really dont c the need for it. my gf is there for all,my sexual needs. as a guy of course I had a huge collection of porn. thats long gone now. but im sure there r guys who still like to watch it. I dont think my gf would care if i watched porn but if I was n then tried to get some she would tell me to go finish up by my self.
  • It Doesn't bother me at all. I'm the one that likes watching it, not my husband. He doesn't like watching porn and he thinks strip clubs are discusting. I guess I'm lucky!
  • I'm not bothered by porn at all. My husband watched it before we got together and he's showed me videos that he likes and wants to try out. He constantly tells me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world and that he would never cheat on me. He's really turned on by nylons and sometimes when we're out he'll point out another woman's cool tights. I'm not freaked out because I know its the tights that he's looking at, not the woman. He could care less about who is wearing the tights. I took him into a store that sold lots of tights and I caught him oggling the tights on the mannequin legs lol.
    I do agree, however, that if they lie about it and keep it secreted away, then that's not cool at all.
    @sgthalesbabies your story about the guy and his boots reminded me of something I read. There was a man who would masturbate while smelling maple syrup and after a while, he could only get it up if his partner smelled like syrup. All I could think of was why syrup?! Lol.
  • I got a little off topic, I was going to add that the women in porn magazines are waaaay more airbrushed than models in women's magazines. I think I read it in an article in Cosmo.
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