


  • I agree that I would get mad if he has lying, especially over something so small. Have you tried explaining that its not the porn, its the lying?
  • I think it's a defense mechanisim. I mean seriously, sex is sort of taboo so when they're caught, they're probably a little embarassed because they feel like they're perverts. I could totally understand cuz if it were me, I would be hella embarassed. They can deny it all they want, but you have the proof in front of your face. They probably feel like you're going to flip and don't want the confrontation. I would address the lying as opposed to the porn. Try to be understanding and let him know you aren't as concerned about him watching it as you are about him lying. And seriously, don't get all up in arms when he finally does admit it. If it bothers you, let him know, but I think men will always think there is nothing wrong with it (and for the most part, I agree) and if they say they won't watch, they're probably lying lol. Maybe see what it is about the porn he likes and ask what you can do to be more attentive to his needs.
  • Porn for guys is like a quick personal private vacation.....he lied due to embarrassment and fear of your response. Hell yea he's going to lie.
  • iI'm not saying its right to lie..... I'm giving u this from a guys perspective
  • I feel the same way. Hubby told his friend that I found it and got mad. His friend said I had no right to be mad! Im his wide he has me to look at. He shouldn't be looking at other women. If I were to look at another man my husband would be ready to end our marriage. I hate double standards.
  • Porn is very offensive to women especially when your pregnant. Ur not only one that feels that way. When I married my husband he knew I was the last body he'd ever see
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