need some advice, how to calm down

edited March 2011 in Health
I'm going through a really stressful time, right now. My mind unfortunately will not shut off. I have been having a difficult time falling and staying asleep, and tonight I am also itching from head to toe. I honestly feel like in going crazy! Any suggestions will be appreciated because the last thing I want to do is endanger my baby.... thanks!


  • edited March 2011
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  • Benadryl will help u rest and stop itching. I take it every night per my MD because I can't take my ambien while preggo.
  • @kerrideeRN it must be a RN thing. Same comment at same time. Lol
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  • Try taking a bath before bed & using lavender bubble balth, salts or bath oils. It helps relax & soothe your body & prepare it for sleep. If you're truely itchy benadryl cream will take it away almost instantly. I swear by the stuff. If you're familar with Pure Romance check their website for a product called Dream. You spray it on your pillow & it helps put you to sleep. It works & I use it for my entire family.
  • Thanks so much. Unfortunately the bath suggestion is out of the question, and that would have been the first one I tried normally. But a bad water heater and septic kinda puts the kibosh on it...
  • I'd recommend getting a good book on mindfulness practice because a lot of people swear by it in helping with racing thoughts. A psychologist friend of mine recommends the book The mindful way through depression, which is affective on way more than just depression.
  • edited March 2011
    @Carley what did your doc say was wrong with taking Ambien? My obgyn prescribed me Ambien for sleep. I work nights and take half a tab on the days I gotta come to work. Benadryl makes me crazy. Has the opposite effect on me.
  • Oh wow girl...i dont have hot water right now either, mine broke and no money to fix it. Im not calm and feel for you....
  • @salsabia my Dr said its best to avoid in 1st trimester because of its class. I can use it occasionally when im further along but he rather I use the benadryl.
  • Deep breathing exercises help me a lot when my mind is racing. Yoga style. Maybe increasing light exercise will help. Like walking around the block, you know. It's tough to have insomnia if you're too pooped to poop
  • @Carley. Oh okay good. I don't think he even prescribed it to me until my second trimester.
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