November babies

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I'm due Nov 13th. Just had a question for the ladies with November babies...what do you think you're having?? After 4 girls I am hoping and literally praying for a healthy baby BOY lol


  • I want a girl... but I will be just as happy with a boy! I am going to pray u get ur boy!
  • I'm due November 3rd with my first! I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy my fam is due for one plus every one keeps telling me its gonna be a boy, either way I'm excited!
  • I hope you both get what you want! Ty
    @mommylovesy0u ...I need all the boy dust I can get lol
  • I'm also due November 13th and I'm praying I have a boy. This is my second and hopefully last if its a boy. My boyfriend is the only one to pass down his name from his grandpa so its important to have a boy. And i have 5 sisters so I can do without any girls for the rest of my life lol
  • Due Nov 7th. Hoping for a girl. I have a boy already and this will be my last baby. The Chinese calendar and that girl on here said it is a girl!
  • i think i will be due in the end of November. i just found out i was pregnant on st patties day!!! and had the blood test and everyhting!! hubby wants a boy, and i dont care either way :) but of course we will both be blessed and lucky to have either!!!
  • I'm scared to death of twins but I joked about it to my hubby the other day cuz I feel so big already.
  • I'm due November 8th and feel so strongly that it's a boy.
  • My.husband has twins on his side. His aunt and uncle. I don't know how all the works. Lol
  • Im due nov 12....we have 3 husband needs a boy....even our cat is a girl...he feels attacked...I want a biy
  • I'm due Nov 22 and I'm hoping for a bf wants a boy but I already have one and now I want a girl...he has a little girl so our kids decided we should just have twins a boy and a girl...that would b perfect...I could b done being pregnant forever...I don't like it much honestly my babes but I don't like any of the stuff u gotta go thru to get them
  • I'm due Nov 16 :) I honestly think I'm having a girl I even have dreams about a girl :) but its really just a toss up
  • I also want a girl I'm due November 1st
  • Due November 10th. I want a boy. This is my first. Waiting for my first ultrasound, hoping there is only one Haha
  • edited March 2011
    I'm due on 9th nov (yet to be confirmed by the midwife after my first scan) I really want a girl!! :) :X
  • I'm due on the 20th of Nov. I don't get to see the doctor until next Tuesday ...... the suspense is killing me . This will be our 2nd.
  • Due November 14th. Hoping for a boy.
  • Due on the 24th. Hoping for a boy. But my bf wants twins
  • Due Nov 25. Cant see the doc for 2 weeks, i think im going to go crazy. Hope for a boy. My hubby has girls already and they are a hand full.
  • I'm due Nov 27th. Right now I'm only praying that I don't miscarry..I miscarried oct 2010. If I don't miscarry it will be my 1st baby :)
  • i'm due november 21st. Thanksgiving baby! well close enough to it anyways. I don't think I am going to find out the sex of my baby. I want it to be a surprise!
  • Due nov 22. I have a6 yr old boy already my bf &I want a girl. Starting to make a baby blanket but I'm keeping our neutral. Pale green yellow light blue pink & white. I guess after loosing one@21 weeks I just wanna make sure he our she is healthy. But a girl would be nice.
  • I believe I'm due at the end of November. I Just found out and have an appointment tonight. I'm hoping for a boy but a girl would be pretty sweet too. This will be my first. =)
  • I am due November 8th. Everyone is saying it will be a girl but I have a feeling it's a boy. This is my first baby so I don't care what gender it is. Sucks that I will be VERY pregnant during summer months in Texas!
  • I'm thankful this year I live in Washington state lol. The summers only last about 3 months, and it rarely goes above 95. My last few months it will be ok here...
  • Im due nov 24 and both me and my boyfriend want a boy, but we just want a healthy full term baby!
  • Due on the 8th so far and I want a boy, already have my girl :-)
  • I am due Nov 5th with my first. JUst found out today. Every little pain scares me!
  • @ KasMaciel im due nov 12 and I have to deal with this hot texas summer too!!
  • I'm due Nov 29 and i want a boy but he wants a girl. I'll be happy either way but boys seem so much easier
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