November babies



  • @sexygina22 I'm due 11-1-11 too!! I'm thinking it's a girl, bd says boy, I'll be happy with either or...My b-day is Nov. 30th & bd is Dec. 3 so I'm hoping baby waits a lil while so he/she can be a Sag too!!
  • I'm due Nov 7th and this is my first pregnancy I want a boy first but my friends swear I'm having a girl. My best friend seems to think I'm already showing and that I may be further along. Go to my first obgyn appt on Monday and I'm so excited !
  • I'm due 11-11 and I'm convinced it's a boy. :)
  • I'm due November 18th. Pretty sure its a boy but I'll definitely be happy with either boy or girl!
  • Im due nov 19 I already have a 2 yr old boy so im hopping its a girl. My husband wants another boy
  • I'm due Nov.24 (Thanksgiving and this is my first, so I'm SUPER excited! My hubby says he doesn't really care what we're having, but I have an 8yr. old step-son and deep down I know he wants a little girl. For me, I would love a baby girl....but I'm happy with whatever God bless us with.....:-)
  • I think I am due the 13th and want a girl! We already have a boy who is 21 months old.
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  • Im due nov 4th and i think its a girl, cause my first was a girl, and with her i craved chocolate chip mint ice cream, and im craving it again. My second was a boy, and i felt horrible all the time, and didn't really crave anything cause i was so sick and losing weight all the time. This time around feels more like my first, so im thinking girl:) but i would be happy with either.
  • I have a son and a step daughter so we just want a healthy baby!
  • Due nov 28th! And I know its a boy... my question is it twins!
  • I'm due nov 16th. Me and my hubby's first baby hoping for a boy but have a huge feeling its a girl. We'll love nomatter what we have:)
  • I'm due between 11/9 and 11/13. I originally thought 11/13 but 6 week u/s puts me at 11/9. I'm hoping for a 11/11/11 baby. :) Hubby & I think it's a boy. Chinese gender calendar says boy. And 2 days before I told my parents I was pregnant (the day I found out) my dad had a dream I was pregnant with a boy. So we're all convinced, but I will be happy with either.
  • I'm due 29th of November with baby number 3. Really hoping its a girl as we already have 2 boys and my partners family havent had a girl born in 37 years so they'd like a girl I'm sure. Bit worried about telling the inlaws though as we were 'told' we didn't need anymore...they all stick to 2 but I've always wanted a big family
  • I just realized I was pregnant. Due date 11/24/11. Very happy first one @ 36 with PCOS. And a heart shape uterus any encouragement would b very appreciated. I am very scared of m/c.

  • I find out Monday if I'm preg. I have an app on my phone that says I would be due nov 29.
  • I am due Nov 16th. I have a 4 yr old boy, so I'm hoping it's a girl. My husband wants a boy but the last time I was pregnant he wanted a girl and it was a boy so I'm hoping he's wrong again! Lol
  • I'm due november 4th with my first baby. We both are excited. :)
  • Im due November 24th as well! Thanksgiving baby! I want a healthy fulll term baby (but I have a strong feeling its a girl), my hubby wants a boy (of course). But people keep bringing up twins and the number 2 has been popping up all over the place! My first appointment is on Monday, we'll find out!
  • I'm do Nov 22
  • Due November 24, thanksgiving day. we have a girl 5, and boy 21 months. we are hoping for a boy cause my brother in law has 6 girls, and so far our son is the only one to carry on the last name. so another boy would be nice
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