any1 from scotland

edited March 2011 in September 2011
Any bump buddies due september from scotland x


  • I'm due 10th Sept and just on the other side of the border, so very nearly in Scotland! X
  • Im from ayrshire due 14th sep, wher u from?wen u due?x
  • Am from ayrshire too and due 10th september :-)
  • Where in ayrshire kellie??
  • You having baby at xhouse? X
  • Irvine, u? Yeah will b, this ur first.x
  • Yip xhouse, where in irvine? Whats your name, age are you? X
  • Good chance be in at same time lol exciting this your 1st? X
  • Jst near the town, u from irvine too? Im 24 this is my 2nd got daughtet whos 6 already.x
  • Jst near the town, u from irvine too? Im 24 this is my 2nd got daughtet whos 6 already.x
  • Yeh irvine too. Near castlepark. This is my first am shitten it. Am 25. So whats your name?
  • Kellie sweeney, wot school u go I must know u then? Im shitting it to, forgot wot being preg is like!
  • Lol. Irvine royal. Is your name kellie?
  • Wots ur second name
  • Dickson.
  • Not alot of folk know am pregnant yet trying to keep it a wee secret till the bump comes lol. You got 1 yet? You got facebook? X
  • Aw yeah think I know who u r, u were prob in my year at school, yeah im huge already 1st baby was 12lbs so docs expect a big 1 again!
  • u had ur 1st scan?
  • Yeh had 1st scan due to see midwife again on tuesday for 16wk appointment cant wait to find out what am having only another 4wks or so hopefully. A cant think win you are lol. But will prob get to know you a bit on this in run up to due date was your 1st baby early or late? X
  • Holy shit 12pun god big baby lol
  • She was 12 days late had a section...n gettin 1 again thank got, cudnt imagine labour wud b, wot u hoping for? U had a gd preg so far?
  • Yeh pregnancy been fine, didn't eat for 6weeks but appetite bk now. Not bothered what we have as long as its healthy x
  • Lucky u, iv bn so tierd can hardly concentrate!fell on sat n cracked ma ankle so on crutches which is so hard goin! We want a girl..jst so we dnt have to move again!x
  • U bn pram shopping yet?
  • No me and ma man going to pram centre in killi in april see if we like any and maybe put deposit down have you? X
  • God must be sore, am still working twelve hour shifts as carer lol its making my weeks go in quick. We really need bigger house stay in 1 bedroom flat council wont give us points till baby here which is shit. X
  • Aw thats rubbish, we went to pram center todaym there all gorgeous,were gonna find out wot were having first then pick one.
  • U got names yet?x
  • Nope not yet going to find out what we are having save racking minds for two sets of names. Your hubby excited xx
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