any1 from scotland



  • Yeh more than me hes over the moon...pity he doesnt have to carry the baby for 9 months.c if hed like it that much then.ha.urs?x
  • Shocked at 1st fine now. Really hate the no drinking rule, dreading the summer with barbecues and no drink :-( when you next at midwife x
  • On monday, no drink didnt really bother me but prob will in summer likely.!x
  • Mine is on tuesday what happens at this appointment? Will they check heartbeat n that. Am worried sick hate the wait inbetween appointments x
  • Mine is on tuesday what happens at this appointment? Will they check heartbeat n that. Am worried sick hate the wait inbetween appointments x
  • Ul hear the heart beat n theyl give u results if u had blood tests done at scan app, shel jst ask u more bout wot ur wanting for birth, u thot bout it any?x
  • A just want baby out lol. Dr gave me results over phone a was to anxious lol all clear. X
  • A just want baby out lol. Dr gave me results over phone a was to anxious lol all clear. X
  • did u fne them?x
  • I havent had mine.
  • Yer just phoned frew terrace and they gave them over phone xx
  • Did you phone doctors for your results x
  • Nah, im not worried bout it only got standard tsts done didnt do downs or anything!hating this weather wen im stuck in house:(x
  • A know its crap we just went to macdonalds, a done downs test. You got bump yet x
  • yeh it comin on pretty fast now, have u? Have u felt any movement.?x
  • Bump coming slowly but surely, this is ma 1st alot of ppl say it will be about 4 or 5 month in b4 proper bump. Dont think really felt anything yet couple of prods I think but thats about it. Just waiting for a big swift kick to the guts b4 I will be really sure dont really know what to expect to be honest. X
  • Aw its amazing feelin,like a worm in ur, yeah I didnt show till I was 6months first time, its crap coz u dnt feel preg till u can c a bump!x
  • A know. I got letter for ma gender scan its 20th april :-)
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