hate my boyfriend's ex wife

I need to vent bad about this woman. She is the biggest idiot I have ever met. She yells at my man all the time about stupid shit and then does the same thing. I have been with him for 4 years and she texts him all the time. She has told him she wants him back, even though she cheated on him with three men. I'm so sick of her. For some reason I keep suspecting he is cheating on me with her. The other day I looked on his phone and he had tested her saying he was coming over after work. He never told me and completely went behind my back. I confronted him about it and he says he had to drop papers off about their daughter. He said he didn't want to tell me, so I wouldn't stress out. Bullshit!!! I'm so confused on what to believe anymore. She calls all the time and only texts him when I'm not around. What am I supposed to think if he is going behind my back to talk to her?


  • I'd think maybe in his mind he is going behind your back because he doesn't want to upset you. However if they have a child together they will be talking so maybe if you just try telling him you understand they will need to be in contact but that it just makes you upset when he does it behind your back like he's hiding something. And then when he does talk to her in front of you......don't get upset. If he starts talking to her in front of you then you really should have nothing to worry about. However if he refuses and ONLY does it when your not around something is probably going on that shouldn't be going on...... sorry I know I have alot if run on sentences...... lol
  • I'm in your shoes kind of. I hate my husbands ex wife. She wants him and she denies it but by her comments you can tell she does. She hates me bc I'm thin and very pretty compared to her. She cheated on him tons and I know for a fact that he doesn't want her and will never want her back bc he doesn't do the cheating thing. They have 2 kids together and then for her safety she had to get her tubes tied and she taught her kids the meanest things to say to me about me having children with my husband which is their father. She says she wanted more kids and its my fault that she can't bc I'm with him even though her doctor told her she had to tie her tubes bc another pregnancy could kill her. She told their kids I'm the reason their daddy left them and all I do is laugh bc he met me 3 years after he left them and he met me in a different state. She's stupid. But with every ex there will be problems.
  • @mommy2joe I'm kind of going with believing him and thinking he goes behind my back so I will not get upset. I don't usually get mad when they talk and discuss things, its more how often they need to talk. They work together, so they see another all day. I guess I'm just jealous he had a life before me.
  • @kdole3 I completely understand where you are coming from. She tells his daughter things about me too. She told her she is not allowed to talk about my baby at her house because it makes her cry. I feel bad for his daughter, she is only 5 and is super confused why her mom hates me and vise versa.
  • Well well well ladies I completely feel ur pain my bd was with his psycho cheating drug addict ex for 16 years and they have 4 kids. She never bothers with her kids and if she does its all talk about my son and the baby. She calls and txts him all the time with information about her life. He does not tell me "to protect me" but its because shes wants to cause me to leave so she has her security blanket. She even has the kids believing its not his baby. Its really taking a toll on our relationship and my mind I just wish she would go away
  • @adfennell83 I know I shouldn't believe he is cheating on me but I do believe she is trying to ruin our relationship. She hates me just because I'm ten years younger, I'm skinner and I'm having her ex husbands baby. I just don't understand why they talk so much and if they realize they are not married anymore. They are divorced. I don't know how much more I can deal with. This lady stresses me out.
  • Oh hunny I know how it is his ex hates me because I am breathing I have slight thoughts about him cheating as well I just dont like secrets one thing ive.found that helps is to remember that no matter what ur having a beautiful little one amd she cant control that I get really down sometimes and then i think about the baby and always remember ex are exs for a.reason ive been divorced for a while now and my ex and I are decent he gets along.with my bd better then me and I remind my man of this when im being.disrespected at times woman are always.gonna hate but u know ur better and if hes screwin up im sure hell get caught they always do ive told bd this too
  • I HATE my bfs ex. She keeps emailing him and calling but I told my bf that he ain't gonna answer unless its important. She's jealous that im with him. But I don't care cuz im with my man and that's all that matters.
  • Hello ladies, I'm an ex wife and believe me things are not always the way u imagine them, I have kids with my ex and there are times when I need to talk to him or vice versa, we comunicate all the times just about everyday, anf that doesn't mean anything, u guys have to get use to it espeacially if kids are involved, my case is even harder. His current wife was his lover and that's the reason we had to get divorced, today her and I are great friends and its awsome we go to my kids game together, and it isn't that hard to get along u just have to try and understand that when there are kids involved its about them!!! Just try and u will find out its actually possible
  • @Jenny73. I agree wit u completely. Ladies these exes wit kids r permanant becuz their kids r foreva. I know it may be late 4 u guys cuz ur expecting babies but this is exactly why I pick one who doesn't have baggage, I know me n I couldn't deal wit wat u guys deal wit. But if that is who u love, trust is a must plain n simple.
  • I do not agree with you. If this woman tells her daughter mean things about me, and does things to sabotage my relationship then I have a right to not like her. You may be the nicest ex wife around, but you do not know how this woman acts. I love their daughter more than anything, I give her respect and do not say anything negative about her mother to her. But its ok that she tells her daughter I'm a bitch, and not to like me. She tells her daughter not to speak about my unborn child. What has he done? I think his half sister has a right to be excited about her half brother and if it bothers her mother so bad, then she can keep it to hersrlf and not confuse a 5 year old that doesn't know what to believe.
  • A lot of times they only want them back because he's happy somewhere else.
  • I agree entirely, she even went as far as asking him to come back when I was at basic training for the national guard. She told him they could go to counseling and she would have another baby for him when she abandoned their baby and him. She cheated on him with three men and then wants him back. Obviously she didn't want him too bad when she was laying down for three different men!!
  • Can I join the phsyco ex club? My fiances ex uses her kids as a bargaining chip. Tried to tell my fiance that he could nevver be with me if he wanted to see the kids (they are his stepkids so he has no legal rights but he loves them like his own) she still sends him disgusting and inappropriate txts even though we are engaged and expecting a baby...she is just plain disturbed!! I could go on forever about her...and the worst part is it is the kids who suffer most. She tells them that he doesn't care about them and doesn't want to see them when in reality she is the one preventing it...some exes may be alright...but there are definitly phyco ones!!!
  • My boyfriends daughters mother is a complete b*tch and I can't stand her either! She has no contact order on my boyfriend which is fine by us...it all started last may when she got his daughter taken by dhs because she decided to get in a fight with the cops and upon entering her house found crack pipes, weed pipes, weed, used condoms in the ashtray in the living room, in the bedroom next to the bed his daughter was sleeping in, an empty fifth of rum (which her n her boyfriend were getting drunk off of while taking care of his daughter) the house was so filthy you couldn't see the floor, there were rats n cockroaches, moldy food..well you get the point...so they took his daughter and his mom now has custody while we go through all the dhs stuff to try to get custody (we go to court in may) my bf had a drug habit and as soon as he found out she got took he quit has been clean ever since (we both do random drug testing, I do it so I would be able to be around his daughter) we have done everything asked and we were going to for sure get her, now his bm is three months pregnant so she finally quit doing drugs and started drug testing. Now dhs acts like she may get her back...her boyfriend refuses to do drug testing n hits her that is who she lives with now that she lost her section 8 for not having custody of her child, then on her first non supervised visit for dhs the stupid ass takes his daughter over to her boyfriends house which was one of the main rules they gave her, so when his four year old came home n told us I told dhs on her. I'm so sick of her not doing what she should do for her daughter and dhs acting like she should get her back! Really if she couldn't properly take care of one child why would they think she would be able to take care of two?! **SORRY I JUST NEEDED TO VENT TOO!**
  • @mckennasmommy2be your situation sounds really similar to mine. The only reason my boyfriends ex can see their daughter is because he never wants to take her mother away from her. She abandoned both of them and he won't even accept child support from her. He is an awesome guy but me not so much. I think she is an idiot and should have supervised visits. Their daughter comes home smelling like dog crap and cigarettes. I went to pick her up and started gagging and had to go outside. Their daughter tells me her mom sleeps all the time and she never sees her when she is there. She either leaves her alone or leaves her with some random person. If it was my choice I would want their daughter at my house 24 7. But like I said I have a nice man that cannot devestate his child by.taking her mother away.
  • @lisamarie I just don't get mothers like them, I used to smoke weed before getting prego, but now that I'm going to be a mom that's all in my past and I don't care to ever go back so why do other mothers feel they need to make bad choices before being mothers to their children?! Then they want to keep the child around the mother just bc she gave birth to them its bull if you ask me...my boyfriends bm even had a choice to do six months in the heart of Iowa with his daughter and then she would have had custody and we wouldn't have to deal with dhs she passed up the chance so she could stay here with her boyfriend...so basically chose her bf over her daughter
  • Wow, she definitely sounds the same as his ex. I have a great man that I love to death and a child who I could never forget and then this psycho woman. I guess we have to take the bad with the good.
  • I know exactly my man he don't really talk to his ex but it's bcuz she don't answer his calls but I wrote her on Facebook and told her we wanted to give her money and she called in a heart beat but we picked up the kids n didn't give her anything we let her keep the older one bcuz she has school but we have the baby she tells us every night she don't want. To go back n calls me mom n her maria n every time we get them they say how they always get in trouble n that they want to stay here the baby is gonna be 4 and still wets her bed and during the day sometimes
  • Wow drug addict bbi momaz abandoning kidds seems to b trendin like I posted before my bd has all 4 of his kids because shes to busy she blows off her court visits and everything but when she does see the kids she talks about my son and his dead beat dad which is not the case my sons father is amazing and has been since we seperated and she tells the kids that im lyong about this baby being their sister that I got pregnant at a party when I messed with 5 guys for crack (which is completely a lie) im a baby momma and ive never n psycho my ex and I communicate well and ive never had issues with hs girl and hes nevet had issues in my choices but this woman is a nut job
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