please dont judge! i know this sounds dumb and bad parenting.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 6 weeks and 4 days.. with no prenatel care. I'm ganna get it soon its just ganna take a while so I wanna know..

Is my baby ganna die?
Or how much longer till it dies..


  • No! Oh gee as long as u eat healthy your baby will be fine don't worry
  • No! I didn't have my first appt until 12 weeks. Just take prenatal vitamins and try not to worry about it. Stay stress free. The cavemen didn't have prenatal care!
  • Well ove been stressing a lot from the b.f. so I haven't been eating that much, but on some days I've been eating..
  • You can go to Walmart or Target and get a cheap bottle of prenatel vit for like $5, plus if you have insurance your doctor usually presibes some for you,
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  • No ur fine.. Think about it( people in the older days did not have prenatals and babies were perfectly healthy.) As long as u eat your veggies,fruits,grains,and have a good diet u should be fine.
  • Yeah definitely go get some prenatal vitamins. You can usually be seen at a clinic for free or very little money depending on your income too.
  • edited March 2011
    Last Monday you just posted that that day was your first doctors appointment and that you were 6 weeks 2 days then.....anyways, usually doctors don't even see you until after 8 weeks. So no your baby isn't going to die from not going to the doctor at the moment. You should get prenatal prescribed or buy them from walmart and also folic acid. As for not eating, many women don't eat in the first trimester and lose weight. Just eat when you can and when you feel like it, you should be fine.
  • I recomend you google pregnancy and read up.
  • Lots of women don't know that they are pregnant until they are far into their 1 St trimester and there baby's are fine. You should be okay just start taking them as soon as you can. I find it kinda strange that you phrased it " how much longer till it dies". Why are you expecting it to die? BC of the prenatals? I am not judging at all I just want to remind you that women had babies for thousands of years w no prenatal care. There is no reason your brby would die because you don't have it. However w that being said. Prenatal care gives you child the best possible chance of being healthy and happy. If u can only afford 1 thing, try to get some frolic acid for your baby. Especially during this time period. And PS there is lots of Info o. The Interner about prenatal care.
  • @kaylee.
    Last Monday, I wasn't even all that sure. The app. I had said week 6 so I just went by that..But the doctor comfirmed I was only 5 weeks and a couple days I wouldn't be 6 weeks till the 18.
  • Prenatal vitamins with folic acid and Dha. Go to your local health dept. They will take you if you don't have insurance just yet and see if you're eligible.(well that's how it is in fl.) Call ahead and see.
  • Ok hun I was just asking :) so then you have been to the doctors? Then you shouldn't worry.
  • @314...
    No, I'm not tryna kill it. Even though other people are..I'm just clear the air.

    And @kaylee... no, I haven't. I still need to mail in my papers so I can approved for pretanel care.
  • You can't have gotten no prenatal care but have also been to the doctor for prenatal care. It doesn't really work that way. You need to pick a story and stick to it. Not trying to be rude but its really hard to support when you are telling 2 different stories. Maybe it my hormornes. Good luck on everything
  • @sara102011 I agree, that's why I asked, I was confused. Either way best of luck with your pregnancy :)
  • @sara102011 Could be her dr confirmed pregnancy but wont see her for it. That happened with me.
  • Im confused also.. If the dr 'confirmed' u how far along then u seen a dr. correct?
  • edited March 2011
    @4senough if her doctor confirmed her pregnancy and confirmed how far she is, than she went to the doctor, that's why we are all confused, because she said she hasn't been to the doctor at all. And her old post said it was her first prenatal appointment...that's why we are so confused so we are just asking to understand :) no rude intentions here I just want to understand her situation so we can try to help :)
  • Well whichever story is actually true if you dont have prenatial care right now its on just eat healthy and defonatly get some vitamins you will be OK
  • edited March 2011
    @liltigga if you do have a Dr you went to then you should call that Dr to prescribe you prenatal vitamins.
  • @ghettobetty , the post isnt about me. Lol
  • Im confused too, was just saying maybe that's what happened. My pcp confirmed mine but wouldn't do anything else. Pcp did prescribe prenatals, though.
  • @4senough but if he confirmed it and told her how far along she really was wouldn't she have gad to see him? I'm sure based off her last period she thought she was however far along but the doctor said she wasn't that far along so wouldn't he have had to check her out?
  • edited March 2011
    Sorry LOL got the names mixed up @ittybitty
  • My pcp didn't even do a pelvic. Asked my last period date, did pee test, prescribed prenatals which i couldn't pay for had no insurance yet, no money. That was it.
  • @sara102011 I went to the dr for the first time and they just confirmed it and went off my last period and gave me an edd and a letter and told me to go get medicaid but they didnt prescribe me any vitamins or do any further exams just confirmed pregnancy
  • @liltigga I saw my pcp, had 2 u/s and still didn't have first dr appt until 9 weeks. The whole time I was scared. All my pcp could do is take blood to check for pregnancy and order the u/s. She did confirm (over the phone) that I was pregnant, but had to wait 3 more wks to see baby dr. Talk about time draggin on. Don’t stress, at this poiint in your pregnancy it truly is fluid intake (drink llots of water) and a healthy diet that is going to makebthe difference. The ladies are right, you should really get vitamins, but I bought mine at Walgreens. I would also read up on things to look out for (pain, heavy bleeding, etc) so if something does go wrong (which probably won't) then you will know what to watch for. Good luck momma and let me know if you need anything else!
  • Ladies the post is about @liltigga NOT @Ittybitty lol.
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