whats the rudest thing someone has said to you..

edited March 2011 in Teen moms
What's the rudest thing someone has said or done to you, while being a teen mom. I personally remember walking into a store and a lady sticking her hand in my face while my & my bd walked out arm in arm. I called her a bitch, cause only a bitch would do that, I hate calling elders out their name though


  • When my cousin found out I was pregnant and what my situation was she told me if I was in your shoes I would abort it, but that's just me. Even your family can be rude.
  • I'm not a teen mom but I look like one. I work with customers so they always ask me if I'm happy or how I look way too young to be having kids. I'm happily married with my 2nd child (first is 4, so its not back to back babies) I'm sorry that I have good genes and don't rapidly age like you, lady!
  • My boss at work said to me, laughing, "you know chels you are the only 19 year old un wed mother I have ever seen that is proud of being pregnant."
  • With My first I had a random woman come up to me and start praying and ' spiritually adopt this unborn child for fear of abortion' I was 7 or 8 months pregnant!
  • Mine isn't really specifically about being a teen mom but my boss told me yesterday you know you used to be such a pretty young lady but now that baby just makes you fat (I'm only 5wks)
  • I'm not a teen mom but when I told my bd that I was pregnant again he told me he wanted to give it to one of his friends cause it wasnt his...he was just in shock because I was on bc...he's happy now and can't wait for a new baby
  • @snreda wow that is sick.
  • Not a teen mom. When I was pregnant with my last child this Guy yelled out the window of his car at the mall to my fiancée teach your fat a** girlfriend how to park. I was like 7 months pregnant.
  • I'm not a teen mom but i can look like one if i don't get ready. My bf really doesn't look like a teen either due to his full grown beard. And he is 3 years older. But we were at barnes & nobels looking at preggo books minding our own business and some lady and her hudband walked right next to us looking at auto books. When they were leaving the store the said, "looks like they need a what to expect for the teen years" her husband laughed and said, "yeah i doubt they make those" and they glared at us and laughed. I started to cry so my boyfriend gave me money for my book and ran after them. The guy was almost to his car and saw my bf and ran to his car. Jumped in and drove off like he was scared for his life! I was so hurt! You don't know me lady!! I'm a grown woman!!
  • I got pregnant when I was 18. My bf dad was not to happy. His mom was shes such a sweet lady his dad is the ass :/ well one day I over heard his dad and his brother tell my bf that we where gonna starv to death and I should just go back to my country with my kid mind you im puerto rican. I was so angry. Not to long after we moved out and have been on our own since.
  • I was talking to a teacher about my pregnancy and the school cop over heard she asked me how far are u? I responded 2 months shes goes aborted I got so pissed I cussed her out and threaten her I got arrested but then let go. I see her see at school and I told her go get a real cop job lol I know tgat was mean but idc
  • I'm 21 and treated like I'm 12 and having my first baby! I've been told I shoulda thought about having sex and the consequences! Um I'm 21 have a 22 month old and I've been with the father,engaged actually and for 7 years. how many 20 somethings are serious and with a man that long before marriage. Ughh ppl piss me off,idc how old someone is its how grown they are!
  • I'm 27 and 31 weeks along. I am high risk, and was at the hospital a few weeks ago becuase I lost my mucus plug. My mom was having a "bad day" and told me that I was just making up all the things going on in my pregnancy (mind you she was there when I was diagnosed by my doctor!!) to get attention, that it's all in my head! There was more to this story but I'll not go there, it's much too long to go into detail on here. Needless to say, I was bawling my eyes out because here she is sitting at the hospital next to me, and instead of being supportive and helpful, she's stressing me out and being rude just because she had a $hitty day. :(
  • Well one time my mom asked me to watch my brothers baby and i don't remember wat I said but it was clearly wasn't the right thing because she told me to never ask her to watch my bastard I cried my eyes out 4 two days and then the other day my dad told to get my fat a*s out of his house I cried again
  • I haven't had something rude said to me yet, but the first time I went to the store to use a WIC check, the cashier looked at me, looked at my husband who is 20 years older than me, and then looked back at me. I'm pretty sure he was thinking, "this guy is banging this young girl!" I just gave him my, "you got a problem?" look and got my stuff. We get lots of crap for having a big age difference. None yet for having a baby (I'm not obviously pregnant yet).
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  • Wow, that's ridiculous some of your stories. It's our babies they don't have to go home with them smh
  • @july2ndaustin ur soo right! It is our babies and its not effectin they're life and daily routine!
    Everyday that I come home and see my brother she tells me how stupid I am and that I'm ruined my life. And tryes to convince me my BF is gunna leave me even tho they're cool with eachother.. back stabbin rude much? Lol

    Someobe else told me to abourt the baby cuz my BF isn't cute enough for me to have kids with!!
  • im not pregnant, nor have i ever been pregnant, im ttc with PCOS. and most women with PCOS are heavy set, and ive been bigger my eintire life. at 16 i was buying a stroller for a friends babyshower. As i was standing in line to check out, I heard a woman and man mumbleing and grumbeling... then I heard her say "im appoled" I turned around to see what she was talking about and she asked me, how far along i was. asked me If i knew it was a sin to have unwed sexual relations, and informed me not only would i be going to hell but my mother should be slapped... for neglecting me to the point I felt it neccessary to become pregnant as such a young age. By the time she finished demolishing my life, i was crying, yelled out once, IM NOT PREGNANT, IM JUST FAT.... her jaw dropped, my mom who was in line infront of me hadnt heard any of this except me yelling, needless to say... thier conversation wasnt too polite after that!
  • Before having my first baby , I was in very good shape but the last trimester is when I put on all the pounds. A month after having my son I went to a party, and some lady who had also had a baby recently and was obviously overweight told me 'oh, you know, you look fatter than you used to be'. Um im aware of that thanx for ruining my day
  • edited March 2011
    That I was a bad mom cause my baby was. Half Mexican and I wore shirts that showed clevage. Booby! LOL I actually got in a fight at school she continued running her mouth. Got put in iss. I was 16.
  • I look very young (delivery guys always ask if my parents are home) and my husband is 3 years older than me so we always get mean looks. The other day at the grocery store I had a lady follow me around mumbling stuff under her breath about teen pregnancy. I finally turned around and yelled, "I'm 27, I've been married for 7 years and I think the world can handle me having a baby!" Before now I have had several miscarriages due to PCOS and we always had family members ask us when were going to have babies. Several times they would push the issue until I would run out the room crying. Some people just have no clue!
  • @Mama_Kate do You think maybe she's just worried about your kids. I don't know your children Just thinking that may be her comcern
  • Oh also that I need to stop wearing the same sweater like I'm trying to hide something. I went to Catholic school grew out of uniform. Also a teacher said that!!!! At that point I was giving son up for adoption. I was 15.
  • Oh yea when I was in labor with first just turned 16 was balling while getting epidural so scared and the Guy rudely said typical woman.
    With my 2nd I opted for vbac and a nurse said why are you putting yourself through this you should have just did another c section! I was peed off in the middle of labor!
  • The worst thing i hear about me when i had my first son at 19 years old was at law school i had 5 monts prego and one of the girls of my class said well i think the pregnant women dont have to keep coming at the university because is sad and they can affect other people good mood..
    She was jelous because i was the best in that class. Bitch
  • I'm not a teen mom, but when I was pregnant with my first my MIL told me 4 times that she'd been having a re-occuring dream that I dies & she raised my baby & that that it was terrible I died but it was so sweet to get to raise another baby! Then, a few weeks ago, we found out we're having another girl (I'm pregnant again) & she bluntly says "well, I guess you'll have to have another baby then. You have to have a boy"... like its my duty & I get to pick... ugh. MIL's... :/
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  • @imamommasoon exact same situation!
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