whats the rudest thing someone has said to you..



  • My father in law's response was..... Dont u believe in birth control? This is our fourth child
  • When I was nine months pregnant, I went to the lakefront with my family for the Fourth of July celebration. Well, there was this man that happened to be walking past us when we were cruising the lakeshore. He came up to me & said, "You're pregnant?" I said, "Yes." He goes, "You're married right?" I said, "No." He goes, "What a shame a pretty girl like you is going to go to bell because she can't keep her legs closed. God must be so disappointed!" I was SO shocked, I started crying & told my Mom I wanted to go home. Luckily my family is very close, & my cousins went up to him & preached to him about manners, & how God doesn't judge people. People can be so horrible, just have to have tough skin. Which unfortunately, I am one of those girls who cares what everyone else thinks & I let it get to me!
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  • My boyfriends great aunt whispered under her breath once while I was there, " oh wait. We know she's had sex." Im 17 and 6 1/2 pregnant. I didn't say anything to her or my boyfriend.. I just kept to myself.
  • Im not a teen mom but someone I thought was a good friend told me she was glad I was pregnant beccuse it reminds her of all the stuff she can do and how her life will be a lot easier/Better than mine.
  • Had to give away my kitty...the lady was a ship wreck that I talked to. She said the worst things. I was preggo at the time and then I returned her cause she was perminantly confused and she was in the parking lot...I was already devistated at this point. And she called me a bitch. I said its no ones fault you deal with animals better than humans. Then drove away and called her the c-u-next-tuesday as crying horribly. Prolly shouldn't have driven while that emotional.
  • Smdh! That's crazy how rude people can be, but I guess they don't know that a pregnant woman can be much ruder!!! I haven't had anything mean said to me yet and the first person that does say something outta line is gonna regret it. I wasn't that nice before I got preggo and I'm definitely not nice now. My attitude is on 10! lol. I am sorry those things were said to you ladies. F*ck em all! :)
  • edited March 2011
    I was on the bus nd a I was 18 wks but showing. A bunch of old ladies were in the front seats and as I was walkin by all I heard was " such a shame, tragedy, reason society is goin down hill " one lady had the nerve to turn to me and say that I was too young to be havin kids and I should be ashamed of myself. I promptly told her bit** I'm 23, don't need u tellin me shit. She then said back in her day ppl knew better, I responded that if she was in my day now and would get knocked the frick out. Like who r u lady. I mean wit sweats n. Sweater I do look like I'm 17 but sheesh
  • edited March 2011
    I walked into my grandmothers house 17wks preggo with my first child and very small. My aunt tells me "wow u dnt look like me anymore. U have a big nose and ur fat jus like ur mother" i was so pissed bcuz my mom is on the heavy side n all her sisters r smaller n i feel so bad. Shes such a stupid bit** i swear, but she always gets wats coming to her. N i cant say she doesnt deserve everything she gets
  • I get.. Do you not know what birth control is? Yes I do. I was on the pill when I got pregnant!
  • I'm not a teen mom, but was big when i was a teen and everyone called me a whore, loose, stupid, said i should be ashamed of myself...at that time i was so innocent i didn't know what they were talking about and then someone explained it to me and after that i got mad and was referred to as the "fat b!tch"

    now that i am pregnant i've been told by my MIL (who means well) that she was going to buy me everything, even though all the stuff she was going to get I already had from my mom, she just looked at me and so " oh well, whatever you're mom is getting you will go downstairs somewhere I'm decorating my baby's room" ummm, when did you get pregnant?!?!??! I know thisis her 1st grandchild but really!!!!

    I've always said that I wanted a boy, I've even been calling this one "he/him" ever since I found out i was prego, but my SIL has been saying this whole pregnancy that i just need to shut the hell up and deal w/ the fact i'm having a girl cause she want's a niece...even gives my husband hell if she doesn't approve of a name...i still don't know what i'm having but i'm due in 12 days and i really hope its a boy cause i can already feel all the shit i'm going to be getting from his side of the family....ugghhh!!!!
  • My MIL has been telling my husband and I to have our baby early because she's going to a FAMILY FRIEND graduation in May when im due. Like really? Im supposed to just will my baby into.coming out so I wont ruin her trip? My husband is pretty upset about it and said that if she's not there for the birth he's done with her since he's her son and we're having our first child
  • I'm only 5'1 so my baby really can go out from this point forward, and my neighbor asked me if I was bigger than I'm supposed to be. I said no and told her my fundal height was exactly what it should be.and then she asked me if I was sure.
  • Im a teen mom, 17 and 4 months prego. I am responsible and fully grow, mature person. I was at school n this stupid chick come up to me and said "i will never let my 17 yr old get pregnant, that is just to young and stupid!" I was so mad when she said that. I told her to shut the f up and mind your own damn bussiness, and i told her that she talks as if she already has one. people are just so rude now and days, have no manners or respect whatsoever! (Sorry, im doing this over the phone so my spelling is a bit off...lol)
  • I was thick before I got pregnant (size 12). I have been sick for weeks (morning, afternoon, and evening sickness for me ). My boyfriends mom called one day to sere how I was doing and he told her id been sick and not really eating much.this heifer had the nerve to say "well that's good.she was pretty healthy already and you won't want her if shes too fat." Another time shes asked me why am I so happy to be pregnant? Ummmm...I'm 25, I've graduated college, have a nice career and am 100% independent...why wouldn't I be?
  • @1sttymemommi wow some nerve of her. That's terrible to say. She must have not had good pregnancies or something. She's probably jealous because ur getting all the attention
  • Ugh!! Some people think its ok to be rude and judge, but themselves would'nt appreciate either if it were them!! I didn't like when elders like to say its wrong and back in there day..but truly back in there day they had kids young and were married young. You have to start early if you want a big family!
    when people start saying you look diff and bad or fat..I feel that's out of jealousy. I was 20 when I had my son..and I look young ..so everyone thought I was 16 I would always get dirty looks and ask if I were married ..and what do my parents think..
    And alot of the people I do know who were teen moms are the best moms I know!
  • My older sister is always telling me 'I have a feeling you're going to lose that baby.' This is my first pregnancy and I'm really excited so I can't help but talk about what I want to buy for the baby and she tells me ' why are you thinking about all that, you never know what can happen, you can end up losing the baby.' I know that's true but she doesn't get how I feel.
  • Smh, well I guess I have something else to add to my rude list, my stepdad tells me my bd is not gonna be around for my baby. He is not ready for a child I'm going to be a single mom. My bd is probably at some othet girls house right now & I apparently need to wake up out of fantasy world. My bd has bought more than half tje stuff for his son & we talk about him every night. He pays for my doc appts & works a lot to support his child.
  • Im Soon To Be 19 Years Old In 4 Months & My Cousin Was VEry Rude When He Found Out I Was Pregnant, He Was Like That Ain't Cute Yu To Young && All That I Wanted To Tell Him How I Really Felt But I Just Walked Away
  • This is crazy! Don't people know pregnant women are sensitive?

    I'm almost 30 but look like a teenager. I'm not showing yet, but am so worried that when I am, people will say something like the stories above! Got to be prepared I guess! I'll definitely say something back!
  • I went to find out the sex of my baby and the doctor said to me.. Oh this is your first you have so many stretch marks I would think you already had a couple, I just looked at her and said no I'm just fat. Even doctors can be rude
  • @mommyy2be mine did the same thing. Mind you I'm older thn him by 8 mths but were both spoiled. I just get way more than him cuz I'm the only girl and the older more responsible one. We were real close till her told me to get an abortion because my baby meant less money from gma for him. That I was throwin my life away and I'm bein selfish. I wanted to smack the dogsugar outta him, but I just got him kicked out my house instead. Damn boy 22 still beggin, got the nerve to talk bout the next person.
  • If only it ended at birth but it won't. I had just turned 17 when my son was born. I was on the bus coming from him just getting his shots and he was crying. This women was like you can't handle your baby. I was so mad but I didn't have time to deal with her my baby was crying and I was trying to comfort him. People can't help but be in your business. Just brush it off. He's 15 now and I'm having my 3rd and final baby. No one says an thing to me now.
  • wow, I can't believe how mean and horrible people can be! Especially family! The worst thing I get is people asking if I'm having twins! I had one lady ask"are you sure"! Ysa I'm 35 weeks, and exactly where I'm suposed to be! Whats with people?
  • This girl at my work was like, "wow! You're getting bigger every day!". She was trying to be nice but I was like...thanks...
  • Lol @kmose7 I swore one of my besties was havin twins. She was so tiny, but full of water n baby. I didnt believe her till she had the baby. She'd be down the block, but her stomache would be round the corner lol
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