He changed his mind...grr

edited March 2011 in Baby names
Me and my baby daddy decided on the name Kiva Annette if its a girl. And one of his friends says, "well are you guys having a black baby" as a joke. We are white BTW. And now the BD all of the sudden says he doesn't like the name anymore. I was so set on that name! Should I fight for it or just bite my angry tongue. Names are for people not race.


  • Fight for what u want. The reasoning is nonsense.
  • If u like the name fight for it & maybe ask his reasons for changing his mind
  • That's ridiculous! Is he that weak that he will let a friend decide the name of his child? Fight for it...and next time don't tell anyone what name u have picked out. No one knew my babies' names until they were born!
  • Oh my god. I hate when people stereotype names! I love how creative African American mommas get with names! Kiva is beautiful
  • lol @cinnabon, I don't blame you. My mom didn't like either of my kids' names and she let me know it all the time. With the second we couldn't agree on a name until after he was born, and even then she let me know that she was disappointed with it. wtf! Now she loves it, though she still doesn't like his middle name at all and gets embarrassed when she tells people. @my_tiny_blessing, fight for your name! That's a dumb reason for him to change his mind.
  • Hmm I won't tell anyone. Thanks girls, I'll fight for it(: and he said it wasn't because of what his friend said....but then why would he change his mind so suddenly. Oh well. Pregnant women have a way with persuasion(:
  • Lol im black and ive actually never heard of the name Kiva. Its very beautiful n uniwue so fight for u want ur babys name to be. That was a dumb thing for friend to say
  • I went to school with a girl named la-a pronounced (la dash ah) THATS a bad name ):
  • Lol oh my. That's just TOO creative Haha
  • Lol no kidding. Poor girl
  • I named my son Denver, in Australia its considered rather unusual... I copped a lot for it before he was born but now he is almost 2 and everyone loves it... kids grow into their names and I think what you have chosen is beautiful... and your the one that has to carry and give birth to bubs so fight for what you want lol
  • Denver is a good name! I just don't want to seem like a B**** cause its his baby too.
  • My bf said that he doesnt want to think of baby names now because he said " we wouldnt name a dog before we see it right?" WTF why are you comparing a child to a dog lol. so he said he will wait til the baby is born to think of names. Me on the other hand I am thinking of some now :) and btw I love the name. Maybe find its origin and tell him where it comes from and what it means? and maybe you guys can compramise with it by adding something "more white??" lol good luck.
  • That's a dumb reason to change the name... some people are so ignorant ( his friends).
  • I dont think youll seem likea b**** when you were already set on your name...its hard to up and change that quick....how about you come up with a "fake" list of not so great names that you "love" and make sure theyre all unique sounding if the reason for him changing the name was because it sounds ethnic then itll come out...and after seeing the ridiculous names kiva may start to sound like mary to him...lol i love the name by the way:)
  • To me ur the mom
    ur more "in charge" lol
    But I was rasied that way because my mom has been a single Mommy and when she had a bf she would remind us SHE IS THE MOM lol
    Im naming my baby boy what I wantnut im like my mom lol
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