**Government/Military Pay Shutdown**

I am curious to know how other military moms out there feel about the current news going around with military pay shutdown? This is my first pregnancy and I am nervous about bringing our first baby into this world with everything going on! My husband and I went into the service as a married couple so that he could fight for our freedom and worry LESS about finances etc...now I dont feel so safe anymore. Who else is worried about this same stuff?


  • Me!! I'm freakin out!!
  • ME TOO. Ive been worried about it alot lately!!! I am feeling so many emotions! ScARED, sad, pissed, angry and all the above!!!
  • Its a government shut down. Not just military. I would not worry about it if I were you. There is a large possibility government employees may not get paid but they will make up for missed pay later..... (there needs to be a sarcasm font) no but really if it happens its out of your control so... hope for the best prepare for the worst
  • very true..I guess Im just upset because in my household there is only one income but I have to trust that everything will work itself out. The bill was recently extended until mid april so there isnt a yes or a no yet.
  • Ya Thts wat I heard too..ugh n same here, his income is all we got..with car payments totaling in 700 bux, plus insurance, fones..other bills..I'm so scared..=/
  • Wait what's this mean if it happens? I heared nothing bout this?
  • @mrs_mendoza2511 its all over the news and online, check out this link..alot of the other ones are being taken offline because they dont want to set in a panic until the bill is either passed or denied. Right now its on extension until mid April


  • can u send me any that I can see on my phone or even you tube? I don't have a computer
  • not sure..those links you should be able to see on your phone via the web through your phone..and I doubt they have anything on youtube about it.
  • Oh okay well thank u...
  • We have a single income family and I am less than concerned about this. We have savings just in case.
  • Yeah well some of us only have one income and hardly any savings... so we must worry... what happens when ur savings are out?
  • The cardinal rule is to have at least 3 months pay saved just in case. There are resources that will help you. This situation could happen at any time so why would you NOT save. It doesn't seems smart. If my savings get close to running out there are these places that work at and get paid for doing so.
  • @iheartmykiddo good for you and your family but unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of saving 3 months pay. Besides there's no reason to boast about it everyone has their own situation. There's tons of families that this will effect. I am interested in getting support from those that have a similiar situation as alot of military I know will struggle as I know many of them personally. Good luck to you and I'm happy that you have nothing to worry about.
    For those who are worried we will all get through it together and one day at a time!
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  • =( geez, i hope this doesnt pass. Im praying for all you military mommas out there. Youre husbands have done a lot for me and my freedom and everyone else's freedom. You guys deserve top dollar. Its horsesh*t in my opinion. I hate that the government would even consider this.
  • im not boasting. i can give my opinion just like you give yours. I am sorry youre not prepared. This has been in the making since last year. The probablility of it actually happening is slim to none. People freak out for no damn reason.
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  • She asked a question I answered. People are too darn sensitive. I am a realist. There are so many military members that risk their lives to serve this country, I find it hard to believe the government would cut pay. This isnt the first time theyve talked about not paying service members. If the military and other government employees do not get paid Obama can kiss re-election goodbye. I am not worried about it because I dont think its going to happen. So i am rude and offensive because I plan ahead. Thats awesome.
  • Not a military mommy but I understand the panic. Taking money away from the ppl who risk their lives to defend all of us is crazy. I hope everything works out for all of you n this stupid idea doesn't go into effect.
  • My husband is in the military too and one of his strengths (most of the time I swear its a curse) is he is a tightwad. So we'll be ok too. But there have been times that we would have been screwed if they did freeze pay. Imo they need to fire cilvian govt workers that have jobs that the military has occupations for. Why are they paying civilians 100k for what an avg soldier gets paid 23k for. I don't think it'll ever pass but if it does there's gonna be a lot of people who are gonna be hurting. Which I think is insane how can a soldier (airman, sailor etc) be counseled for not paying their bills and then turn around and be like ooops. We don't know how to budget either, we'll make it up to you.
  • edited March 2011
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  • and if they didnt get paid would that be considered breach of contract?
  • Nope @ihearrmykiddo there's a clause in their contract that says (congress I believe) can change their entitlements pay benefits if and when need be.
  • thats what i was thinking, thanks for clarifying. i was reading in a couple of places that recruiters would still be recruiting and the commissaries would be open. I was also wondering, for people that do not save, would aer be affected.
  • I know recruiters are on an extremely low quota because of the economy. And honestly I avoid commissary and anything post related like the plague. So other than his pay cola bah jump pay it doesn't affect me. (Us)
  • My dad is Air National Guard. His job is being phased out. So now he has to go to school in order to keep a job with the military for another 3yrs until he retires. As much as he doesn't want to go since he just got back from a 6mo tour in Cuba, he needs to keep his job, benefits & get his full retirement. So he will be leaving for 6wks around the time I am due. Considering all my health problems from my last time around, he is trying to delay it, but not sure if he can. All I know is military is definitely NOT paid enough for what they do. At all. I have known the life of military pay my entire life. Money was always tight. When I was much younger, I would impulse buy. My ex-husband would make not the best purchases on big items (vehicles, house) that ultimately led to huge debt. Over the years we learned to be smarter with money. We had it at the time, but he lost his job which led to debt. At the time the purchases had been made, we could afford them. However, we didn't think about potential future money woes. When I got together with my now husband he was what some would refer to as frugal. Now years later I am very thankful for that because we were able to save a little here & there resulting in having now a large savings 'just in case'. Our vehicles are paid off, we don't make purchases unless we have the money allotted for it, no credit cards. We aren't into coupons much (unless its Costco) but we shop at only a few stores so we have compared prices for those stores & know which has the better deals for certain items. We both grew up in large families where money was always stretched very thin & because of that we made a pact to do our best to not have to go thru it with our family. We started out small, but once debt was gone, vehicles paid off, we were able to save more. Tax refunds went to savings as well. I didn't get my nails done. Kids have their lunches packed for school. We didn't go out to eat/order in much. Bought movies instead of going to the theater. It took 6yrs, but we finally have a good savings. I couldn't imagine worrying about not being paid; I am sure that is a nightmare! Having a job, with the government no less, but having to worry about pay? I would be beyond stressed. I know not everyone is able to nor has savings. The point I was making was I have been there. It was hard. I was just lucky to have been able to save, but we stay on a strict budget even now to help add to our savings. Again, as @KerrideeRN said, its not what you say but how you say it, makes a difference. My best wishes are with all of you. I truly wish there were a way to have military be paid what they really deserve. I feel the same about school teachers. Big hugs!
  • My commander talked to the whole flight about this last week... it has happened before in 95 and 72?? I'm not to worried because they will pay us later ;)
    And I'm sure ANY place that ppl have bills due they will also know about it and if u ask most places like helping military out ;)

    If this is the only hardship we have to face serving our country then WOW that was easy for something as great as FREEDOM
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