What features do u hope ur baby inherits?



  • My hubbys eyes, smile, height and ears. (i love his ears. they kind of stick out) and his skin.
    My nose, lips, and all of my insides. Lol. Aka, immune system and strong stomach. My hubby can't eat certain things without them making him have to go to the bathroom and his family is allergic to all kinda of weird things.
  • And my personality too. :)
  • edited March 2011
    my husband blue eyes and olive skin. My first 2 girls have his blue eyes already :) so I'm hoping this one has a mix of both of ours, blue and green. His personality but not his ADD! Or his OCD, or his IBS lol
  • Me: my brain, skin im latina so im kind of golden lol, and my mouth and smile
    Dad: i want her to be tall like his dad bc im too short lol and his sense of humor
    But i want her to have my sis eyes and the color of one of his grandparents (blue or green) and she is going to be the most beutyfull baby girl....but let see what happend
  • I want my baby girl to have her daddys smooth, non-greesy, chocolate skin(mines oily)! Her daddys smile & dimples!! My hair & big blue eyes!!! :)
  • My first has black hair and brown eyes just like dad. I hope this one gets my blue eyes. I have brown hair so most likely this one will either have brown or black hair. I hope my little girl gets black hair and blue eyes bc I think that is a combo u don't see that often. My husband has pretty strong native american features(50%) so its pretty hard for my genes to shine thru. Strange thing is my husband did not get the skin tone. He gets pretty pale in the winter.
  • Me: hair, skin tone, eyebrows and lips.
    Him: nose, eyes, height, and his sense of humor. :)
  • I haven't really thought about it...but my light brown, fine but lots of hair, smile, clear skin, school smarts, responsibility, style
    His shape of eyes (both of ours are blue :)) eyebrows lol (theyre really nice if its a girl, they would be great to shape, mine suck ) his naturally straight teeth, but my shape and look of teeth (I know this is impossible being that children get teeth from one parent and jaw from the other, I had braces and I'm sure baby will too) his sense of humor, my hard ass-don't put up with people's shit attitude (he's a pushover) His tan skin since I'm a ghost and he tans really nice MY ears cuz his are huge and hes hoping it has huge ears lol And I hope it doesn't get his family's big gut they have skinny arms and legs and big bellys..all of them!
  • My eyes, teeth, & attitude :)
    His height (if a boy) personality &.smile
    Both our hair
    Oh & his mole he has on his eyebrow I love it!
  • I hope my baby has my boyfriends deep dimples and big smile!

    At our last docs appt we saw the baby on the ultrasound and the first thing the doc said was "the baby looks like daddy, look at those ears!" It was so funny! So I guess my baby already has daddys big ears. Lol
  • Me ; my hair (my fiance has a receding hair line) my poor son! Hahah. And my lips(:
    Him ; his big blue/golden eyes. His complextion - he's always tan & I'm on the pale side. His nose. And his smile(:

    But from the ultrasounds, it looks like my babys gunna have big eyes and a big head like his mommy. Hahah. Maybe hell have big blue eyes. (I love my eyes personally, there green with goldish middle. But BD wants his eyes.) I have a feeling my sons going to be on the short side also, I'm 5"3/5"4. And my fiance is 5"11ish.
  • i hope my baby inherits my fiances beautiful hazel eyes and dark curly hair
  • I want my baby to have everything just like its dad, except for the ears, fingers and lips.
  • I want the baby to have my hair a mix of are skin tone my light brown eyes and my nose
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