What features do u hope ur baby inherits?

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
What do u hope ur bby inherits from u & what do u hope iy inherits from the dad? It can be physical or personality.


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  • My blue eyes and his dimple and smile :)
  • I hope my son has my hair it's soft but thick and his dads is just thick lol I hope he gets hidads sense of humor and my brains... I hope he is tall like me bit fast like his dad...
    I am really hoping he is "style" when he gets older is like mine lol
    Aha about u @oc86
  • I hope my bby has my deep dimples and my light skin because the father is very dark lol but i hope the bby gets his beautiful smile and his athletic abilities hes a basketball player
  • Well I'm pretty & my husband is very handsome. I hope my son has my eyes & his dads hair. I love my hubby complexion (chocolate with red in his skin. He's Cherokee & black) so I hope he has that too.
  • Me: eye shape & lashes (but daddy's are nice too)
    Skin color, smile
    Him: dimples, curly hair, height (if it's a boy)
  • All of me! My daughter has his big ears, his big hands,his big head,big everything no lie. I'm praying she don't have his big ass nose!!!! I want my baby to look more like me! That myth of hatin the Bd makes them look like the Bd ain't true. I never could get mad whn prego with my daughter. This time I hate his guts!
  • I'd like it if my baby got my beautiful dark red hair. If it got dad's dark brown hair, I'd be just as happy tho (my dad has dark hair too, so I wouldnt be surprised). Since me and hubby both have hazel eyes, I'd be shocked if the eye color was different lol. Hopefully my long eyelashes. I hope baby has my pale skin. I hate my nose and hubby's nose is big too, so maybe baby will have a happy combination. Both of us have nice lips. I hope baby gets dad's brains (148 IQ nice :) ). I hope baby gets dad's super slender, tall body and awesome personality.
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  • I would like my bby to have my bd gorgeous red hair and freckles u hope form my eyes teeth and brains I want his height though
  • I want mine to look like his daddy beautiful eyes and smile cute nose with my skin tone light and my state of mind calm loving looking to do whats right and good oh gosh imma love this kid so much<3
  • I want my son to look just like me! Haha. My first son looks like my husband. I deserve a mini me too.
  • Me: Everything

    Dad: Not a DAMN thing cuz he's a dumb piece of poo. The only good things about him is he's tall with a nice build (He's 6 foot 4) and he has a big you know what haha! And since I'm having a girl, I would hope she is NOT blessed with either of these things lol!
  • I've already seen some of the features:

    So, the baby has my lips and nose
    His eyes and big head :)
  • I've seen some of my babies features too....
    His cheeks, heart shaped lips, and head for sure
    Hoping he (or she) has my eyes
    Either of our noses
    Oh, and he (or she) has my butt cause daddy has a padonk and baby is looking a little lacking back there...but that could change by birth. Lol.
  • I already saw the baby has his daddies legs, hopefully his green eyes too, my nose, lips, his curly hair, and my straight teeth!!
  • Daddys teeth and blue eyes. My Cuban complexion, nose, ears, and lips. Poor boy is gonna be height challenged cause I'm only 5'3" and daddy is 5'6", so at least he'll be handsome!
  • Ill say my light skin color cause hes daddys dark. Lol hes dimples
  • My hubby's nose and maybe even lips and eyelashes...my eyes and deep dimples eventhough we both have dimples( which gives our baby an almost 100% chance of having dimples:) ) but mine are huge lol oh yea and his booty!
  • We are trying to conceive after a mc. But we talk about features that we want the baby to have from either of us in the future. Im native american and white. He's cambodian (asian)

    I would love for our child to have his eye shape but my eye color.. lol my eye lashes and eye brows. His skin color. Its ALWAYS bronze. Like the perfect tan Haha. His smile. Its perfect! I have braces.. still ughh. If its a girl I hope it has my build. Boy his. Lol my brains. Fiance is a air head lol but either one of our sense of humor! My toes. Haha Jimmys are ugly lol my hair. Its black and silky. Umm my nails... if its a girl my nose. A boy his nose. Jimmy has a different shaped nose. It's pretty though. I think he's beautiful!
  • My eyes, smile, personality and my skin tone!
    The dads height if its a boy. His perfect teeth. If its a boy the dads skin tone. ( tall dark nice smile great eyes) lol I am soooo excited....
  • My bf is a darker asian and I'm white so the skin will be perfect but I hope he has my eye color which is blue green...I know brown eyes dominate though..I can always hope hehe..
  • I want my baby to look like daddy mostly, he has nice eyes lips nose and smile. Baby will probly have big eyes and nice lips cuz we both have those!! Overall I'll be happy with a chunky healthy baby!!
  • All fr my husband (he's mixed indian & chinese) with sharp nose, long eye lashes, height & dimples. Im just plain chinese. :)
  • If it's a girl, I hope she gets my butt! My husband has no butt at all. My poor niece inherited her dad's lack of butt. Other than that, daddy's blue eyes for both. I love blue eyes.
  • I hope my son gets his fathers green eyes and his height, dad is 6'2 I'm 5'1. Everything else I hope comes from me my complexion my eyes my smile my butt lol my hair mostly. I could tell from the ultrasound he is gonna have his dads lips though :(
  • Both of our blond hair, my dark blue eyes, my ears, his lips, my feet...and seeing as though we can't be picky! Hope god makes it the most precious thing to me.
  • Daddys's beautiful green eyes and cute little butt chin lol...I hope baby has mommy brains tho lol daddy isn't the brightest crayon in the box :P
  • Haha my 2 sons are a lil mixed of my husband & me. One tans really well & the other is white like me with freckles. Both have dimples but are feisty as hell like their dad. I'm hoping this one has greenish/blue eyes (not gonna happen I know my other 2 are brown/brown & I'm blonde/blue.my husband is mexican (from here) & 6'2" I'm white and about 5'1". Of course want the dimples & his arched eyebrows & long lashes. Want tis baby to be funny like me & just be a happy baby oh yeah 10 fingers & toes & no ears that poke out lol I know I ask a lot lol. Healthy is ultimately the goal.
  • My EYES, personality , brains and skin tone
    His lips and hair..!!!
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