My Breast and Breast Feeding

edited January 2011 in Breastfeeding
I have been planning on breast feeding since before i was even trying for a baby, all through my pregnancy i have been planning on it, but now im worried that it will affect my breasts after, Iv heard it can cause your breasts to sag/droop, I no i should be thinking that breast is best for my baby, but at the same time as a young woman i am worried about my figure. HELP


  • Breastfeeding helps with weightloss after baby. It also helps the uterus shrink back to normal size. ...and while you're breastfeeding your boobs are gonna look great still! Not to mention that its totally worth it! ;) that's why they invented Victoria's secret!!!!
  • Ok but what about after breast feeding is it true that breast feeding causes them to sag/droop?
  • Breastfeeding doesn't cause the sag........its the pregnancy its that being said nothing you can do about it .......they will sag over time anyhow, why not give the baby a healthy, right start . Boobs start stretching at the beginning of the pregnancy.....that's why they hurt so bad......they grow right away ......boobs are made for babies and not for looks......
  • I no i want to breast feed but as a 22 year old i am obviously concerned about the long term changes to my breasts.
  • @yummymummy11 Idk bc mine are big, so they've been sagging and drooping since wayyy before 1st baby! Lol I'd say since i was 18. Men seem to enjoy them just fine! Hehe
  • if you excercise them then they will go back to normal........age doesn't matter and really I wouldn't care what my boobs looked like if it meant my bundle of joy was getting all of the nutrients and vits.....everything that we have gone through and our body has become immune to passes through to baby so baby won't have to fight illness so hard......your a mommy now and you make the best decisions for your baby and sometimes mommies have to give up what they want so baby can have a better life......I think you should breast feed ....if you planned on it then someone told you that......I think you will regret it if you don't try........
  • ok thansk guys, Think i will stick to my plans then, have you guys got any reccomendations on breast pumps x
  • I was 19 and 22 whn I hqd my first two children. I did not breastfeed my first and I breastfed my second for four days. My ex husband was very unsupportive and u will see that would make it completely impossible to continue at home. I am now 31. Eight weeks preg n plan to breast feed this one FOR NOW. I am average build. 5'6", 140 lbs. When I first met current hubby n we were getting to know each other (3 yrs ago) he said he thought I had great boobs but just KNEW they would be awful when the bra came off (as was his experience w othe "mom"boobs). Lol. The first time it did he said REALLY? U hav two kids?? I've always been told I hav GREAT boobs for having two kids. Very full 34 b (maybe small c on my heavier days or period lol). I don't know if I'm just lucky or if its because I didn't breastfeed. I'm not a super vain person, but I do care. I wish I could tell u how breastfeeding this one will affect this one but I dont know yet. If it makes them terrible I am getting a boob job. Not going unnaturally huge, just fillin em back up. But at 22 I couldn't have afforded it. My 12 and 9 yr olds are PERFECTLY HEALTHY (one ear infecttion EVER). They were formula babies 10 yrs ago and clearly got everything they needed and think how much better they are now! I'm not urging u not to, I'm just saying no one really answered your question. They jst tried to make u feel guilty for considering NOT breastfeeding and that's b.s. if u choose not to (even if its for a reason soke would call selfish) do NOT feel that you are. your baby will get EVERYTHING it needs from formula and its MUCH easier. Not that breastfeeding doesn't hav its advantages. that's why I'm doing it this time. That, and the experience. I'm older, have more patience, a more supportive partner, I don't have to go back to work right away, and I can afford new boobs! Lol. If that wasn't all my case, this baby would be a formula baby too and I wouldn't feel bad about it. Sorry so long. Its just a very personal choice and u should not feel bad if u choose not to, no matter why.

    P.s. I do have friends who still look great after breastfeeding one, but two or more, FORGET IT! They have wet, hangy sandbags! Lol.
  • thanks lol x
  • My husband didn't suggest that I shouldn't breast feed, but he was disappointed when I decided to with my second son because it meant he couldn't really help (we couldn't afford to buy or rent a pump at the time). Unfortunately, I ended up unable to continue breast feeding and had to switch to formula, but my breasts were definitely a bit saggier even after the short time I did it. It wasn't awful, but I noticed it. I haven't decided what I'm doing this time.
  • hmmmm thansk for your honesty .... im so confused... :(
  • I breastfed my son my boobs are not saggy if u have good support bra it helps them not to turn out saggy beaware it does hurt at first
  • yea i no it hurts but im not bothered about the pain, its just with me being 22 i dont want to end up with boobs down to my knees lol. I have never had to look after my figure much its always taken care of its self... im just scared that it will all start hanging.
  • Well I've never been preg before n my boobs have always been a 36b n perky. I'm 29wks now n they freakn blew up! They're so much bigger now so they're already sagging a bit low. I really wna breastfeed too (the old fashion way) but I'm 21 and also worried bout having droopy boobs. I hear my bro n friends clown on women who do /: I say eff it! I'm still gna breastfeed but invest on toria secret miraculous push ups. The reason I chose to bfeed is cause I'm single n very lonely n live alone I just want a much closer connection w my babyluv!
  • Well we can be friends 21 n 22 n have droopy boobies together (: lmbo!!!
  • I really want to breast feed but just dreading havin saggy boobs at 22...
  • Exercise and good diet will help. Like I said, it wasn't a huge difference. The hardest part for me was deciding to do it and then being unable to. But breast feeding will help you lose weight. Your whole body is going to be different after pregnancy, not just your boobs. That doesn't necessarily mean bad, just different. I don't think it matters how old you are, it's not like you reach a certain age and suddenly your body doesn't matter to you anymore.
  • yea i no, think im goin to breast feed any way .... if it comes to the worst then i just buy a new piggy bank called boob job fund lol. If you dont mind me asking but what do you mean when you said you couldnt breast feed?
  • Lol well I've been a 38dd since 8th gradde and there def a lil saggy but nothing major and guys love boobs when the bra comes off anyways lmao so what's the difference as long as u have a good push up bra in the t shirts the men are kinda clueless by the time the shirt comes off anyways oh and I'm 18 and at a 38e and only 13 weeks
  • My breast didn't "sag" so much after my first son, but after my second I was producing so much milk they were up almost three cup sizes and as soon as I stopped they never filled out. I hate the way they look but my husband acts oblivious when I mention it. Knowing we were trying for one more I wasn't going to bring up getting them fixed until baby number three was here. Well he or she is on their way so after I'm done we agreed that getting them corrected would be ok.(see I knew he noticed lol!) But until then great bras do wonders lol! Also think of the positives for your baby! The great head start, and bonding. Not to mention it's free. After 6mon with my first we switched to formula cause he ate so much I couldn't keep up but if you can give him or her a great start on breastmilk.
  • I think everybody is worried about the wrong thing... Breast milk is the best milk for your baby.. I breastfeed all my kids up till 6 months. I always have big boobs I'm 36ddd.. And my boobs don't come down to my knees...... For me once I became a mom I always put my kids frist and worried about me last.... So i dont care if my boobs hang a little that what they have bras for. My husband must not mind because I'm pergnant again so I must still have something lol..... This is how I feel ladies no hard feeling to anyone.. The choice is your if breastfeed or not..
  • My boobs didn't sag my mother in law gave me the best invices of my life! It hurts alil but it works great you get sandwich zip lock bags and put crush ice ( do this before & after birth ) on your breast for 15 mins each side. For me I think its best in a warm bath. I'm 36dd & my boobs look great for 2kids & one on the way!
  • @yummymummy11 my son had issues latching on. He always closed his mouth the SECOND I started and I couldn't get him to open it again. I had the same problem when I started spoon feeding him, it was such a pain in the butt. He's two now and on the rare occasion I try to feed him something he STILL does it. By the time we got home from the hospital he'd lost nearly a pound, and every time I tried to feed him we both ended up hysterical. I ended up giving in and trying a bottle once and after that I couldn't get him to take anything else. :( it was surprisingly devastating, I was completely heartbroken. I have rarely cried as hard as I did about that, but the feeling only lasted until my milk dried up and then I was ok. I was surprised, tho, because I really hadn't wanted to in the first place, and I didn't even try to breastfeed my first. There was some sadness when my milk dried up with my first, but nothing like what I went through with my second. I think in our case switching to formula was a good choice, though, even if it was upsetting-feedings were becoming pretty traumatic for both of us. I decided last minute to pay to rent a pump (even though we really couldn't afford it), but it was three days after the last time I tried to breast feed and it just didn't work.
  • If your boobs are big enough and still give you physical problems (back pain, red marks on your shoulders from the straps, etc.) your insurance company should pay for a reduction if your doctor deems it medically necessary... I know I'm in that boat:P
  • @magcaw my daughter also wouldn't latch. She used her gums and it just didn't work. I remember the both of us crying! It was awful. :( I pumped for awhile and eventually she went on formula. I'm hoping to breadtfeed awhile this time around.
  • @heather I'm so there! After I lose the baby weight these things are getting nipped! Lol
  • @katlilly I haven't decided what to do this time. I think I'm going to try again, but it was so upsetting that i'm not sure I want to risk going through it again when I know I have other options.
  • @magcaw at least we will be prepared this time. I was lucky that I had some formula samples from the hospital. The feeling of hopelessness was the worst. I'm going to try and make sure I have a pump or formula on hand!
  • I couldn't breast feed because for some reason I never produced breast milk
  • @baby_gurls, what did your dr say about that? @katlilly, yeah, knowing what to expect and having what we need should make things go more smoothly. Hopefully!
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