Oh did I have friends?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone else seem to have lost friends since they have become pregnant?


  • Almost all of them. I have 1left.
  • I did when I was preggers hun, then soon as I had her they all wanted to come and see her etc and now 4 years on none of them can be botherd and never speak etc, ull make new friends at antinatal classes and stuff and when u have baby join mother and baby clubs etc :) never feel alone though as u have your precious baby xx
  • @momof5 , im 19 and It seems like my boyfriend is the only person who wants to hangout with me anymore!
  • I had so many friends, got pregnant. & now I have two. & they have been my best friends for years. It's hard to come by true friends, & pregnancy makes it obvious who is & isn't.
  • I lost all of my guy friends and I only have 1 real girlfriend left. It amazed me how quickly they just disappeared out of my life but im thankful for the one friend I've got.
  • Before I got pregnant I was a partier and I smoked weed- now that I quit smoking nobody calls me, they have all disappeared. Thank you for the advice @georgias_mummy
  • I lost all my friends and my boyfriend when i became pregnant
  • @rockinmomma I had mostly guy friends before I got pregnant now that I started to show its like they are embarrassed!
  • @chelsanstine. I had my first baby at 18 and am now 28 with my 5th baby. I haven't had friends since I got pregnant with my first. I have an amazing husband that I hang out with all the time which is wonderful but gets old at the same time. I want some girl time. Lol. I only have 1 friend left and it sucks cause she lives hours away from me so I don't really get to hang out with her. I even mind my own at work cause the ppl there act like they are gna get pregnant if they talk to me. Pregnancy changes everything and everyone around you but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. My husband and children are my closet bestfriends ever. :)
  • @babyboyontheway, I'm sorry to hear that. I thank god everyday for my boyfriend hes the only one I have left. I live in pa, where are you?
  • I seemed to loose all my friends when I moved out of my mums! Now I'm pregnant its even worse its like she won't want to come out ever lol. I know it will change when bubba is here tho!
  • My bestfriend is still around, but I had to cut a girl I was hanging out with pre pregnancy out my life because I realized she wasn't a true friend.
  • I'm 21 & I have friends left but the ones left are pregnant too or have young children but my absolute best friends are my boyfriend & my mom...most of my friends are my family...I think the people who are mothers or about to become mothers have the same values on their mind (children come first) with the exception of one old friend who is 20 & just had her baby 6 weeks ago she only calls us for a free baby sitter so she can go get wasted & not pick him up until 2 pm this started when baby was one week old! and people who aren't parents just usually have one thing on their mind Party Party Party and since you can't party they just turn their backs to you but idc I love the people I still have in my life and know who my "true" friends
  • @chelsanstine same here..i can say that I only have one true bestie left and my cousins which I love to death..and let's not forget baby daddy..i so love him lol their all I need & when baby comes that will be my one true friend forever!!!
  • I feel better knowing it wasn't me chasing them all away. My boyfriend keeps trying to make me feel better saying to give.them time they just dont relate but if they were true friends they would make an effort right?
  • That's what you would think. I'm not going to lie when other women were pregnant I'd distance myself from them out of jealousy because I was still hurting from the loss of my child I was carrying 5 years ago.
  • I was 18 with my first and when I couldn't party anymore they stopped calling. We didn't have the same priorities anymore. Now that I'm 24 on my 2nd I made a lot of other mom friends.
  • I feel bad reading this... but i also feel so glad that im not alone. why arent woman better to eachother?
  • I think that's exactly it. Our priorities are different! I guess they either come around or they dont.
  • Im in reno nv
  • my husband is my only friend.
  • edited March 2011
    My fiance is my best friend. Most of my friends left or I left them when I started to settle down and become more of the family type our lifestyles clashed. :( no more friends.
  • My bf and I shared alot of friends but the ones we didn't seem to have disappeared! if they try to come back around after the baby is born thats too bad!!
  • Same here! I have 2 friends now; and they both live far away. :( 1 I met here on Pregly, & my best friend who is now a mom, but our friendship is struggling because we are exact opposites in the parenting department. :/
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  • not me... i moved b4 i got pregnant so now that everyone in texas knows im pregnant theyre like "omg you need to hurry up and come back... did you hear so and so is pregnant too... yeah...so when is my lil niece coming... im gonna be god mom/dad right... what are your themes.. oh yay i can buy lil dresses..." unfortunatly the only ppl i know where i live are my bf sister and mom so as much as id like to get rid of the latter two i cant... lolz jk...
  • @jcmommy I'm in the exact same boat! I was 18 when I was pregnant with my daughter now I'm 24 expecting my second lol
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