mil wants to throw my shower at 36 weeks

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
Don't get me wrong I am very happy she has decided to throw me one but she wants to throw it outside at the end of may when I am 36 weeks along. It will be very hot and I will be about to pop and my husband and I don't wanna buy much till after the shower and there will only be four weeks left to shop. I wanna say something but don't wanna be rude. This is more a vent than anything but helpful advice would be great.


  • You have to tell her. I know you don't want to hurt her feelings but she also needs to consider you and your husbands feelings too. Come up with a good list of reasons to have shower sooner and go with husband to support and talk to her.
  • Just say Ur concerned baby will cum early n u won't have anything prepared coz u will need to wash all the baby clothes bedding ect n get prepared hope u sort it out.
  • I would just ask if she is flexible with the date and if she isn't you will have to be okay with it. You never know unless you ask. I asked for mine to be early because they are having it three hours away from where I live. Most of my family lives there. I am a teacher so I asked if they could do it during my break. They didn't mind.
  • I've learned the best way to handle the mil is through the hubby. My mil was throwing me a bridal shower (over 4 years ago) with her family. She told me she was having me a Pampered Chef shower. I was trying to show my appreciation but at the same time tell her how we already registered for everything we needed and a Pampered Chef party would make it confusing (plus I felt like it would pressure people and put them on the spot). Its also expensive and I was afraid I would get the things we really needed (like pots and pans). She blew up! So afterwards I told my hubby (he didn't like the idea either) and he talked to his mom - she was completely understanding. Not sure he can get it inside for you but he might be able to help her understand the timing.
  • I understand how you could feel that way but its really rather common to have your shower around then. Last yr with my first I was due the 4 th of july and I didn't have my shower until june 16. It actually worked out really well and I had plenty of time to return things and buy things. The pro of it was being able to get the newer summer line products that had just came out. However I remember having a reoccuring dream that I delivered before my shower lol but I didn't, I actually was a week late.
  • I always thought when someone offered to throw u a shower they would ask you when you would like to have it and who you would like to invite. Or at least that us how the ladies that have thrown showers for me in the past did it.
  • @ghettobetty I know I need to talk to her but my reasons would be I want more time to shop and It's too hot which aren't that great of reasons. I don't wanna sound ungrateful or like I'm complaining
  • @Kate__p3 I'm having a scheduled c section so were not really worried about that lol
  • @mamaynot I will see if we can make it early may or something. I would rather it be late April but maybe we can compromise.
  • @hopefulmom2be I would def have my hubby talk to her because she would more than likely listen to him over me.
  • @faithmom77 I know its common but I am a big planner and like to be prepared and organized way ahead of time. I just wanna feel ready sooner. if I could have it now I would lol
  • @jbandno3 I wish she would have asked first.
  • Mil can be a sensitive subject. It's really wonderful that she is doing a shower for you but ultimately it's what works for you and your husband. 36 weeks is late and doesn't give you much planning time. Your better off just being honest with her and I agree with the others have your husband do the talking
  • My mil said 2 wks before I'm due! I said nooooo ma'am!! Lol.. we get along really good. I'm due aug 21st si I told her mid july is better so my babyshower will be mid july :D
  • Way too close to to delivery if u ask me. Just tell her you would like to do it earlier and see What She says
  • @sroman_3 yes I agree. I am very happy she is kind enough but want more time. The only problem with having my hubby do the talking is that he sees no problem with it.
  • @lily_glz geez two weeks is not enough time at all. that's good she understood.
  • Im due july 2nd my shower is april 16th
  • my mil is upset we arent finding out what we r she wants to throw shower after baby comes...whcich means i have to pack baby up drive 3 hrs...let everyone hold and touch my precious newborn...have a smiley face on...pack all that stuff up and drive 3 hrs back home! all so she can give me a pink/blue blanket rather than a yellow one! uuuggghhh!!!
  • @due_in_July tell him he now has a problem with it. Lol
  • @vanalkr omgosh that is ridiculous of her. Will someone else throw you a shower. After u have a baby you wont feel up to having a shower. With our first we didn't find out the sex and we just got alot of gender neutral stuff. Then after we had the baby everyone bought us tons of baby girl outfits. I know how you feel tho my mil was upset we didn't find out the sex and made it a point to complain about it my whole pregnancy
  • I say to smile and do it. It'll make her happy plus you're getting free items. I think she'll be hurt if you don't do it.
  • My first was born at 38 1/2 weeks & my best friends' first was born at 37 weeks... that wouldn't give you much time to buy everything else you need; I would politely but firmly tell her that you would love for her to throw your shower but that it needs to be a few weeks earlier to give you time to get whatever else you need... I had a huge shower- bigger than my bridal shower, lol- but I still had a ton of really important items left to buy... like a carseat!... can't leave the hospital without one of those!!!
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