6 weeks today with an 18 month old. Anyone else??

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I am 6 weeks today, I also have an 18month old daughter. She will be 26 months when the new baby is born. Does anyone else have kids this close in age? How do you deal? ADVICE please! Also, how is it being pregnant with a litte one to look after? I need some preggo buddies!


  • My first two were 27 months apart and I loved this age difference. Now they're two and four and I'm due in september with another one. My youngest and this one will be 33 months apart. I had hoped to get prego when he was 18 months so the age difference would be the same, but we decided to wait and then got pregnant anyway. There were some rough patches, and I totally recommend the leash thing if you go out-my son realized right away that mommy couldn't run while holding the new baby and he bolted on me in stores, in the library (while screaming, lol) and in a parking lot. It was awful, I was so glad when he stopped. But honestly, that's been the biggest challenge I've had so far. They're so fun and love being together. It's nice.
  • My sister in laws daughters are 13 months apart and even though shes had challenges she says she loves how close they are. My son will be 18 months when my third is born so I'll get to experience close babies. :) my daughter is 3 1/2 years older than my son so I only know what it's like with a toddler and a new born.
  • My cousin had her son then a few weeks later found out she was pregnant again only gets better with time
  • Will am 17weeks with & 12 month old n am 24yrs old...n its very hard but thankfully I got a.7yr old that likes to play with her..
  • I have a forteen month old and im 19 weekd 4 days pregnant
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