horny much but qot no dude at da time..



  • @bby_momma11 we are trying to keep a drama free forum. It was uncalled for you to say that. They shouldn't have responded that way either.
  • OMG @rene28 seriously that was so wrong.
  • @starkrayzie does that include my boyfriend... because if that is the case then i am sorry that is another rule i am not going to follow while pregnant...

    @ashabash is it necessary to do this on two different discussions

    and ladies this is an "OPEN FORUM" so technically she can post what ever she wants... yes asking was a little inappropriate but really i think she is playing... she is a pretty girl and there is a 99.9 chance that she can get someone she actually knows to do it for her... so lighten up some please... you dont see her saying ewwww when everyone else posts about their sex life...
  • I'm a Pure Romance consultant & we're told by OB's that it isn't safe. Each doctor has their own opinion but most women don't know how to properly clean & store their toys so they put themselves at risk.
  • @StarKrayzie a penis has more bacteria than a clean, sanitized toy fyi. Using a vibe or dildo is usually safe, as is sex, unless your health care provider says otherwise.
  • I personally dont think you should put a personal add on here but I hold nothing against you were all horny at one time or another
  • ok ppl grow up if u don't like what's being said DON'T COMMENT!!!!! ANYWAY if u clean the toys properly it should be ok
  • Technically yes, anything you insert into your body can possibly give you an infection. That's why before you have sex it's best for both of you to take a shower & be clean. Also if you don't clean yourself afterwards the next best thing you can do is use the bathroom because your urine is sterile & it helps clean you out.
  • Lol! I love this!!! I agree with you @jalem
  • @babymomma11 i dont think they realize that for the most part you are joking... and for them to comment that your statement gives reason to believe that you lead a promiscuous life is rude and uncalled for. I apologize for them. alot of the women here are also seperated from their baby's father and i am sure they will find a way to pleasure themself as well.. i jsut dont think they are going to post it on here... well they might... you never know with an open forum... ive already seen threads about anal sex...
  • Wow..this isnt the first post ive seen about wanting sex & I havent seen people bashing anyone else. Now because shes saying she wants it from a girl its a problem!? Stupid!
    & we are all grown..if you dont like what youre reading then dont read it!
    Didnt your mother teach you "if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it all"
  • @starkrayzie i just have to say when i am in the mood if my bf told me , "NO WERE NOT HAVING SEX UNTIL BOTH YOU AND I GO TAKE A SHOWER" it would kill me.. lolz but hey were pretty clean people anyway.. lolz
  • I'm not saying sex isn't safe all I'm saying is that anything you insert possibly puts you at risk for an infection.
  • Omg @jalem I was thinking the same thing
  • I gotta laugh when ppl say if u don't like what someone posts don't comment...aren't u commenting on something you don't like and adding to the drama by doing the very thing your advising others not to do? Lmao. I personally agree that the original posts was offensive. Asking other members to perform any kind of sexual act is not appropriate.
  • @mimibrowneyes36 very true... it's just because her statement is out of the norm and she posted it (jokingly) in a way that caused people to become upset...
  • @jalem I know right! Like, who showers right before sex every time?
  • Okay well this is for everyone if ya really not intrested nd just qonna talk mess dont evn hop on da topic okay simple as dat sorry..
  • @starkrayzie yeah i understand that but hey i took the risk before and now im addicted.. lolz so unfortunately its a risk im gonna take... lolz..
    @sunshine25 yes that is true... on both statements... however, i dont think she realized when she posted that i would have such a negative reaction she sees other people post similar things/ things involving sex and they dont get negative feed back... although she should have specified the joke...
  • @babymomma11 i am sorry...
  • @jalem..what the hell did people get upset for? Its not like she called out specific people & asked them to eat her out! People are so self-obsorbed that its ridiculous.
  • Bby_momma11 voice how you feel babe it is what it is I feel you in the.situation let the young ones talk shit n get offended who cares.
  • Im not apologizing for what I said & no one needs to apologize for me to talk abt sex no matter if its straight or gay is ok but to ask someone to perform a sexual act on u is not kool by me (my opinion) [-X @jalem @babymomma11 so if she was to have ask a suitable question I would have respectfully replied
  • @may1mommatobe she was joking! If you don't like it leave it alone! No need to start drama!!
    @baby_momma11 don't let them get to you!
  • Right jasmine another instance where if you don't like the discussion and it doesn't pertain to you your opinion is not needed!!!! Wow I feel like I'm in.high school reading some of this shit.. I can only image.if I said hey I'd eat you out n finger you wassup. then all hell would break loose Lmao!!!
  • I agree with @jasmine..this is sad ladies come on..its not any diff than if I was saying I want my husband to eat me and finger me..which I do cuz I'm extremely horny n won't b back home with him for a while..it should'nt matter. No need for nasty remarks, were all grown, mature adults (at least u better be if ur havin a baby..) n good luck girl. Lol
    N besides, this is supposed to be a happy forum..WERE HAVIN BABIES!! I know I'm 'beyond' excited..anyone else?! =]
  • @jasmine I keep seeing everyone say she was joking except her im not causing drama im giving my personal opinion on her post & some of the comments that were posted just like she has a right to say how she feels I have not personally bashed her in anyway

    @tiff87124 I just dont understand what was the purpose of her ? Other than to ask for sexual favors

    But u know what to each their own

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