natural or "clean"



  • @vette_devil I just looked up shave secret thanks for the tip!! If you order $48 worth of stuff u get a free shave secret tshirt!! Lol I thought that was silly :P
  • I always get Brazilian waxes and time it so I go every approx 5 wks with the last one being at 37 wks. My girl says totally safe and usually gives some other service, ie foot rub, pedi, brow wax or some other treat. I prefer to feel hairless, my doc was surprised tho LOL.
  • CLEAN.... I make sure that it is ready to go for every doctors app. I don't want my doc to be tryin to dig around in a jungle down there and I don't want my baby to be born outta there like that either. Lol.
  • I use a beard trimmer. It gets close, is easy to hold and maneuver, and it was only ten bucks at wal mart.
  • @starrxoxo9 ... that's hilarious... do the come in maternity sizes? :P
  • I use the hair remover cream that way I don't have to deal with a razor
  • I will do it until I can't then my boy friend will do it we have to stay neat and clean
  • This conversation makes me laugh....can't say that this is something I would actually be concerned about in the heat of the moment (birth). I don't think anyone else, (doc, nurse) will be judging either! Shaved or not...the whole thing will not be pretty! Lol! :-))
  • I'm only ttc but I just want to say how much I love this post and the answers! LOL makes me love pregly even more...

    I'm all for a perfectly cleaned "downstairs" and can't handle much growth... so when the times comes you better believe that if I can't do it... my hubby will! ;) Thanks for the smile girl.
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe I got the Brazilian bikini waxes for years! Loved them, it does hurt just a bit, but only for a quick second with each wax strip! You'll be baby butt smooth afterwards & then you'll be hooked!
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  • im glad i created such a good discussion topic. lol. i have my internal ultra sound tomorrow at 4pm, to finish the PCOS diagnosis, then the dr should be starting me on metformin soon... i cant wait.. the only thing that sucks any further is my husband wont be home until the middle of august... but atleast it gives me a few months to regulate my cycle and prepair for trying again....

    as for shaving vs waking, or cream... i am soo sensitive no matter what part of my body.. i use veet on the back of my thighs bc my hair is soo thick and a i swear it grows in circles it takes for ever to shave! but with in 2 days i am all rashy too... last time i had anything waxed it was my eyebrows and i broke out in hives.. so i deal with shaving them too... i would be terrified of using anything that would make me break out in hives down there... lol.. i have used beard trimmers, and i loved the way they worked..i just need to get a new pair. lol... :-D
  • I love the brazilian wax job...once I got started I was hooked.. on my way this week...LOL
  • I would go for 'keep it clean' down there lol I will be shaving myself or might ask the hubby to do it few weeks before I give birth. I would love to have it waxed though but not sure if I can handle that kind of pain
  • its funny how we consider getting waxed down there but we are either mothers, mommys to be or ttc. slightly ironic, that we will consider the pain of an epidural, back labor, natural births, etc. but waxing we are hesitant of! :-))
  • Get waxed. It lasts longer & for me its less irritation. They're safe during pregnancy although it may be a little more painful because of your hormones. If you've never had one, I suggest you dont start while you are pregnant.
  • I have birthed three children and never shaved for any of them and its no jungle down there. And I bathe and shower out before my visits and I feel just as clean.
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