natural or "clean"

ok so heres a question I have. I have been watching alot of home births and birthing videos on youtube. I am the type of person who makes sure every doctors visit i go to I am clean and shaved, and I know that when your 9 months pregnant shaving down there might be a little hard, but i would do anything and everything in my power to shave before birth. what is every one esle's opinions on it? 8->


  • This is my third.... my other two were as you say 'clean' this one will be too! LOL :)
  • With my first I kept clean buuuut.... I went into labor very early. I had to stay in a hospital bed for almost 3 weeks without the ability to shave. By the time baby was born I was getting close to a natural look lol
  • I do keep a hairless downstairs myself but I think a lot of women especially when they are far into their pregnancy go natural. I think being "clean " is a different story. I would hope every women is freshly bathed b4 any encounter w a Dr. !!!
  • This is my first and I am equipped with mirrors idk how well it will work but I'm ready for the challenge
  • ive been debating this since im 39 weeks and can go into labor at anytime. its such a hassle shaving down there with my huge belly but theres gonna be alot of people looking lol so i think im gonna shave it up forthe event :p
  • Definately shaving for the third time. I'm sure doctors don't care either way, they've seen anything and everything. It's really for our own peace of mind what we chose to do. I'm keeping it clean shavin!! ( :
  • I'll probably shave a few weeks b4 I'm due. I don't want to b totally bald but I don't want the baby to get stuck in the jungle down there either lol
  • I'm 39 weeks and I just attempted to shave last night. It was a little difficult but I'm clean and ready LOL.
  • I am always clean shaven, but since I've been pregnant shaving down there has givin me huge and horribly painful cysts in my bikini line, i think from the influx of hormones!! Ouch!!! Does anyone know if its safe to wax during pregnancy because I'm starting to feel like the wolf man!!??? Lol tmi!!!
  • I'm shaving! Getting c section anyways if I don't they will but not all... if I find I can't do it my fiance will for me.
  • I'm33 wks nd Omg I can imagine how hard it was @praying4our3rd lol I use the mirror nd still struggle lol but I prefer clean over natural
  • @ghettobetty I'm having a c section too nd well they dnt shave enough lol cause when tht bandage comes off oh my good it takes all the hair thts on it with it..exactly y I shave nd keep it naked dwn there lol
  • Slumber Parties has a shaving cream called "Coochy", it really helps you get a close shave with no razor burn or ingrown hairs. I use that along with my schick intuition razor (the one with the bar of soap around the blades) and I can basically shave blind without any problems.
  • I like being clean shaven but i'm not sure if i'll be able to reach and i don't think i'll trust my fiancee down there but he said he'd do it lol
  • Yeah I had anticipated being "clean" during labor... But it didnt work out that way. My belly was hugeee the last two weeks, so I stopped about a week prior to delivery. So many ppl saw my lady parts that day, and honestly it was the furthest thing from my mind
  • I'm always "clean" its a preference for me anyway . But when I got my pap I made sure I had it smoothed lol. Hair embarasses me
  • I'm usually shaved, but I'm not religious about it. I'll go a few weeks without shaving sometimes. Since I plan on just having my doctor and my husband with me during the birth, I wont really care if I'm shaved or not. I'd definitely get hubby to trim it for me if things got crazy down there.
  • i love how open and honest every one is becoming with this topic, I am alwasy a clean person, and im pretty sure when it comes down to labor ill be clean then too. my husband has ventured below with a razer before, and sadly enough all tho scared shitless, he did a better job than I have some times, so i will have no problem saying hunny..... can you... lol :-D
  • First of all let me just say I have never shaved my pubic area, only close trims, but that said, I cannot imagine shaving at 9 months pregnant! I can barely reach around my belly to trim and certainly cant see at all. I wouldn't want to risk cutting myself before pushing a baby through a very sensitive area. Also I think it would probably make it very sensitive and itchy but I really don't know, having never done it. I don't thin having hair there makes you unclean in any way though. Just my opinion.
  • My husband checks after I try (I shave blindly) and usually does a better job fixing it than I did when not pregnant. Lol he is way more meticulous than I am!
  • @ ghelphaene i dont mean clean in a hygenic way, it was just a better sense of wording. belive me women grow hair for a reason. so its natural either way...

    @ MrsStanley_x2 .... i was 100% hesitant the first time my hubby shaved me, but i have to admit, i was rather impressed with his talent
  • My husband shaved me w my first this time I do Brazilian waxes so much easier cleaner and no hair bumps. The lady who does mien said there's nothing harmful with getting one while preg
  • I've been getting ridiculous razor burn everytime I shave down there lately!! Idk what to do! I have to let it like completely grow out before I shave again because it takes forever to heal! :(
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  • i can shave my underarms and down there, everyday with out a problem, my legs are the issue, i have to wait litterally 5 days inbetween to shave or i get horrible razor burn, no matter if i use shaving cream or what types of razors, my body is all outta wack!
  • honestly i would not shave before birth, if you have to have an episiotimy *cringes* or get abraisions or tears the hair growing back would be absolutely horrible... that and can cause infection. plus you arent (usually unless you are a kamacausi) allowed to shave afterward due to infections and risks of opening the sores again, so ill let it grow for the first time since 7th grade lolol
  • i quit shaving about 2 weeks ago actually just so i can get use to it... i feel kinda grody but meh, its better than ending up with an itchy crotch with stitches and an infection that can potentially kill you :'( bye bye pretty va jay jay
  • @beautifulnightmare ...I'm the same way! Try Shave Secret... you can get it at Walmart; look on the top shelf... its a little tiny bottle of natural oils & it reaaaaallly helps my razor burn on my legs. You can either shave with it like a cream, and/or put it on after as a balm... you don't have to rinse it off. Love it! :)

    I prefer mostly clean-shaven... what I affectionately refer to as a "landing strip" or "happy trail".... lol... but I could barely reach there w/ my first & don't expect to look much better this time. I will happily shower before I go in, but I use a midwife, so I'm sure she's used to a lot of naturals, lol...
  • im going to get waxed right now im 32weeks ill go again when I need to, ive been growing my hair n its soooooooo itchy lol also my 3rd was shoven 4 both
  • I think I'm goin to shave on my 39th wk. Cuz I honestly don't like wen they go down there and its a monkey patch. Its embarrassin. Plus they're doin the video thing nd I don't wnt to see my bush on tape
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