Sickness had begun...

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Up until this point I have only had diarreha. I suppose tonight started the vomiting accompanied by the excessive naseau I've already had. I tend to feel worse at night. I'm so excited about this pregnancy. I'll be 7 weeks tuesday. But especially when I'm feeling bad I can't help but feel overwhelmed. Anyone else feel this way?


  • I am/was the EXACT same way. My seventh week has been awful!!!! I'll be eight weeks tomorrow and I'm feeling better today. I have found water makes me throw up. Popsicles have worked wonders. Sipping anything but water. Slushys have helped. And also, kind if weird, but I can't put pressure on my abdomen, I can't even wear some pants because of the pressure, or sleep on my stomach. I hope it only lasts a week, for both of us. Let me know if you find out anything else that helps!!
  • I will thanks. I'm the same way with my abdomen. I really appreciate the advice., I'll let you know if I figure anything else out
  • I'm the exact I'm seven weeks n some days now and I know this is to much info buy I.diarrhea and SEVERE nausea I'm constantly throwing to the point I eat n 20 minutes later I throw up.....actually kinda scared to eat cause I hate throwing up
  • Try sucking on lemons or hard candys. I get really bad nausea for 90% of the day and sucking on candy, especially sour candy settles my tummy. Also try mint like peppermint life savers. They help me too :) best of luck ladies!
  • Morning sickness isn't the reason you can't put pressure in your abdomen, it's just because you're prego and your uterus is growing. :) that part won't go away any time soon. I found that tea helps me sometimes, and Ginger ale. Bland crackers and plain Cheerios, too. In my other pregnancies I used PreggiePops and some of those were very helpful, too.
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