Peeing problems?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ive lately had problems peeing, I constantly have to pee, but I go to go, and hardly anything comes out :/ I've been tested for a bladder infection and am crystal clear that that's not it... Any one else have this problem?


  • Yeah I have the same problem drink cranberry juice just to prevent a uti?? are u due october 8th or 7th ???? sorry to get off topic its just im 12 weeks exactly too
  • Its a toss up between 6, 7, 8th but very close. I take azo cranberry tablets for that, they work wonders
  • I think its the way the baby is laying on your bladder. Some times it can constrict your flow. I go at night feeling like im bout to explode and then only a few trickles. I find that if i shift my weight move the baby alittle...more will come out. I usually have to get up...go lay down..then get right back up and then i can go okay.
  • @sunshineLove yeah mine is between 7and 8th but I have a feeling I will be earlie like I was with my son.
  • Def sounds like its just pressure on the bladder. I go to the bathroom every 2 hours like clockwork
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