abandoned and angry



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  • Ugh. I hate stories like this. Too bad he's being so childish. Just think positively and find yourself a new man. Some men really don't mind caring for a child that isn't genetically theirs. I'd sever all contact from the ex if you haven't already.
  • My testing went great! Doctors too. I have my first ultrasound on Monday and I'm excited! I dropped off all of my exes things at his sisters house and I am now free! He has been contacting my friends saying he is worried about my emotional state and calls me delusional. (Unbelievable since I have not spoken to him) my friends all send me the messages. He is mostly trying to put my name through the mud right now. He is truly insane. I am just focusing on me and getting my house and life ready for the lil one. Very excited about the ultrasound! He is the one missing out here, I'm doing awesome!
  • Hey,
    I would tell your friends that you do NOT want to know anything he has said anymore. Don't waste your time even reading what his immature butt said. You know you're a great person and tried your hardest. That is all that matters. I don't have any contact with my sons father, and I honestly love it. He is all about him and my son does not need to be around that. If your not comfortable being his friend in the future you don't have to be. Be civil when it comes to the baby but anything else does not need to be discussed. You were a rug to him babe, he walked all over you. The book "He's just not that into you," would have cleared that up. He wouldn't keep walking out on you and the magnet thing was only on your end because you clearly loved him but were too blinded to realize he was using you. I wish you luck in the future. Remember you need no1 but you and that baby. His family means nothing and either does he!
  • edited January 2011
    Whoa! When I first read ur story I thought u couldn't be older than 17 than I got to the second paragraph saying u were 34 nobody of ur maturity and greatness as a strong willed person and soon to be mother should ever have to go through this this is ridiculous he needs to realize he's a grown ass man who obviously wanted to have a baby with u because if he didn't he would have taken better precautions to not get u pregnant u know most men r so stupid I am so fed up with the way they act and as for his sister she needs to keep her mouth closed because u don't have to put up with his shit for anybody u don't know how stong u can be until its ur only option I've been through some shit this past year as well and I'm slowly but surely putting all the pieces back together it won't happen over night honey but it will happen I'm wishing u n ur lil one the best and ill keep u in my thoughts
  • His sister has no right to make your decisions for you. If you don't want him involved then don't let him be - put a restraining order on him if you have to. And if he's still at your place then kick him out. You shouldn't have to give him a place to stay.
  • @heatherstar11 I'm just glad my real friends are staying out of it, but I am glad they are telling me. It is character slander and one day if we end up in court it will help me. Sadly, the laws in my state say he can come back when the baby is born and fight for half custody no matter what he has done while I am pregnant. I agree, I was his rug and I was too in love to see it. I see it all now and he is just getting more angry that he cannot control this pregnancy...but that it not his problem anymore. He walked out and should have thought about that before. I truly have been much happier without him.
    @mommyof3 I agree. Noone should go through this, certainly noone of my age. It is just ridiculous! I am now calmly enjoying my 'me' time. It is very nice and much calmer with him gone.
    @viviya yes, he is gone. His stuff is gone. I have been reconverting my home to my space and love the absence of his negativity. I started by baby registry and have been only speaking to my real friends and family.
  • and to everyone, thank you for all of your support and kind words. It has gotten me through a very hard time. I really am doing well and nesting in my own space with the lil peanut. Can't wait to see him/her on Monday at the ultrasound!! I have a long list of friends who want to come :)
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  • @gabschillin went really well. It was amazing to see the lil jellybean on screen! Tears ran down my face as it was waving at us all. Have u been yet? I actually have another ultrasound next week for my genetic testing...so I get to see the bean next thurs and on the 21st.
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  • Omg this sounds so familiar, I dated a guy beginning in 05 we dated on and off for awhile. Decided to make it serious even had baby names picked out but when I finally did get pregnant he freaked out and left me only to go back to his no good bm that kept his son away from him for years. I was crushed, never felt pain like that before, he even brought her to my first prenatal appt. I was like wtf after that I'm sorry, yall but I decided to end the pregnancy. Don't judge me. I regret it still. Keep your baby and love it with all your heart.
  • I don't know if you will read this, having gotten such a wave of replies. But here is my two cents.

    There are all different kinds of families out there. Be it two moms, a mom and dad, single moms and even single dads. Just because he isn't in your life doesn't mean your baby will grow up with any less love. You're clearly an incredible woman and he should have been thrilled to have you. Any thing else is his problem. Just focus on loving yourself and know that everything will be okay.

    My heart goes out to you.

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