8 weeks

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Im 8 weeks and all of a sudden I dont feel sick anymore still feel tired tho I get alot of cramps but iv got ibs so I dunno if its cramps from that or not basically is it normal to stop feelin sick that quick and how do I tell the difference between the cramps. Im I just paranoid lol


  • There have been a lot of post on here where women are saying the same thing you are and the response is always that its normal for symptoms to come And go. Or that at some point your symptoms disappear. Im answering this way BC I have not experienced this myself. As far as the cramping goes I would say try to this k about what ur ibs cramps felt like b4 u were pregnant and compair that with what you are feeling now. Also cramping without bleeding is pretty normal as long as its not severe. But I would call the Dr to reassure myself if I were you.
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