can someone tell me?

edited March 2011 in Getting pregnant
So I was wondering if I count spotting as the start of af or if I start counting when its heavy? I want to get this right so I can find out when to start trying. I have an app on my phone that tracks my cycle and when I'm fertial so I'm just curious as to when I start counting it. Spotting? Or heavy?


  • Count as soon as you see blood.
  • Like pink (spotting) or dark red? I'm sorry to sound stupid.
  • I usually wait to see if it sticks around. Sometimes I have a spot or 2 a,few days before, but nothing that requires a pad or tampon. ~:>
  • Ha I have no idea what keys I pushed to make that chicken. It's completely accidental and unrelated.
  • I actually just read somewhere that u dont want to count spotting as the start of ur period.
  • Really. I'm just so confused. I have only had 2 and 1/2 days of real bleeding. I just put a post about it on ttc. I spotted Friday and then bled. Monday turned into spotting half way through. And then spotting tue and today.
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