Should I go to the er?



  • @mimibrowneyez36 Im just as worried as you with my pregnancy also. Im scared to death of that happening. Im going on 12wks tomorrow, but its one of those "what if" questions.

    Hopefully its just our paranoia messing with us.
    I'm sure your baby is fine. :X
  • @mybaby1 when I just looked it up it says symptoms are: decrease or stop in prrgnancy symptoms & increase in energy.
    I have both of those.
  • edited March 2011
    Im not tryna be weird, but if your nipples are still dark or if they have gotten darker is another way to tell as well if your still preg.
    If you truly are concerned and you have access go to the ER. It might seem immature and dumb of me to say this but I would lie and say I fell or something so they'll have a reason to see me.
  • @mybaby1 my nipples never got dark.
    & yea alot of ppl would call that immature. Trust me ive been bashed for
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  • Yeah. I'd say go and get checked because that doesnt seem right, I have no symptoms at all but mine did get dark.
    try to go as soon as you can to be on the safe side, i'm sorry your worrying so much I can only imagine how your feeling
  • @ashleyfew right..if I am having a miscarriage I would need a d&c. Thats not a medical emergency?
    & sorry if I seem rude im not trying to just curious to know what counts as a "medical emergency"
  • @ashleyfew would your body know or have symptoms over time during missed miscarriage? Since your familiar with medical field?
  • What does that mean to reabsorb? @tiff87124
  • Can I please make everyone understand that I AM NOT TRYING TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING! I know that is not possible.
  • @tiff87124 when does the rest come out?
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