implantation bleeding

So I think I had ib this morning but I'm not sure? When I wiped myself I had some very lite pink stuff on the paper. So question is if that is ib do that means I'm pregnant for sure or can it just be a false alarm again?


  • The closer it is to your period ( predicted day etc) the more likely it is to be implantation apparently I did some reading on it the other day as I hope that I experienced implantation a week ago, there's no real way to know though untill u test but implantation can leave spotting for up to 2 days fo fingers crossed for u hun :) lots of baby dust xxxx
  • Thanks I'm praying that were finally are, bc that made my mornin lol after seeing that.
  • Lol I was upset at 1st as thought my period had come to mess me about lol but then when stopped after 2 days of spotting I was like hang on ( was like a light bulb in my head) could be implantation bleeding lol xxxx
  • I had it two days before my missed was only a little when I happened twice in one day the first time more noticeable then the second ...I got really upset thinking after was coming but after a dream I had the night after the bleeding I was convinced the test a day early n it was positive! ! So I would say that when it happens its close to your period...
  • Thinking af was coming ***
  • @Dec_2_mom2be trust the 1 site I find with lots of info on 2 be wrong lmao did u have like a creamy discharge or anything after yours etc and was u getting any symptoms?? Xx
  • I jus saw this an had to comment I never heard of ib bleeding I was spotting for a few days an been worried was about to got to doc cause it wasn't my period it ain't due until the 2ed. Could that be ib
  • @georgias_mummy I started running the the bathroom more frequently...just enough to notice, but more noticeable were my boobs...they were very hurtful, mainly on the side.
  • ive had 2 spots today and my AF isnt due until he 7th. also i have like a creamy disharge after or with it. its not much discharge and the spotting is literally like drops i had 2 early this mornin and one this evening. Im prayin its ib and not health problem :/ but i guess time will tell
  • I knew when I had my implantation it was 3 dags before my period. I cramped pretty bad for half of the day and had very small light brwn spotting for 2 days. Then my period was 3 days late and finally tested and its postive. Im 5 weeks today and couldnt be happier!
  • I had a tiny lil blood clot on the 24th my period due anyday.. My boobs r pretty sore now I hope this is it :) due date calender says dec. 9 I wish u luck too
  • @babyhope7 am going thru what you going thru
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