tmi but?

edited March 2011 in Birth Stories
Does your parts go back to normal an look normal after birth??


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  • For the most part. Your vajaja goes back to normal. Boobs on the other hand yeah not the same story. Lol.
  • Okay cause I watched a live birth on you tube and I just doesn't look good lol I'm scared I dnt want my stuff to look funny
  • Haha I got told mine were better after
  • Does it tighten up?
  • @ - TheSmilingBeauty, Just make sure you do those Kegals!! ;-)
  • Its stretchy. Lol. Its amazing how it goes from a tiny little hole to the size of a watermelon and then back to the tiny hole again.
  • Yes lol it goes back to normal...I mean I hear from people that haven't had kids that babies ruin it but trust me that's not true..mine and friends that's had kids are in better shape then friends of mines that hadn't had kids tmi yes I know personally lol so don't worry about it.
  • I've had 4 kids and this is number 5. The sex is so much better. And if you wait the 6 weeks after having a baby like they tell you its amazing. Lol.
  • #:-s
    Thanks, Ladies!!!
  • It just looks so painful an gross I want a c-section! :-((
  • @hope, then you have an icky scar! Everyone's told me they go back to normal.. one of the nurses on "one born every minute" even said it'll be better than before!
  • c sections ruin your body even more..not to offend anyone! Some people are lucky like my mom who had 2 and has a much better looking tummy then me after my son...c section cuts thru the muscle and your stomach sometimes will never tighten back up
  • Does your vag hurt after? Cause I know mine sore after a lil ruff sex so I couldn't imagine a whole baby! Id rather have a cut on my belly then my stuff ripping open and have my junk hurt.
  • Its not just a cut on your belly lol the recovery time is longer..mine hurt for about 2 weeks and I couldn't stand still for a month and was fine if I kept moving but compared to my friends I had it rediculously rough
  • And my sons father left when I was 2 months pregnant so I don't know about the pregnant sex or right after baby sex I didn't have any till tagen was about 1 year and I'm only 7 weeks now
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