going to the hospital.



  • If I go to the er wil they do anything cuz I don't think I can wait till tomorrow.
  • I went to the er. They did an exam. I haven't passed everything out yet. My blood pressure is too low now. Hopefully I wont have to get a transfusion. This is the worst day ever... im so sorry for any woman that has to go through this.
  • Sending you hugs..wish it was a real one. So sorry you are going through this hun...
  • Omg am so sorry u r going thru this hugs from me and comfort
  • I am SOOOO sorry, sweetie!!! I know what you're feeling & going through all too well, as I've mentioned I had two miscarriages in a row: 1st at seven weeks, 2nd at five weeks. First one I had to have a DNC; second one I miscarried naturally. The pain is unbelievable! My first baby would've been two years old this May if I hadn't lost her, & I still think about it. My sister bought me an engraved heart pendant with the baby's conception date & due date, with the words, "Never forgotten" & a tiny ring pendant with what would've been her birthstone. I didn't take it off for a year. The tears will come, as well as the pain & empty feelings, & they will also ease in time. I am crying as I write this, cause god, I know how you're hurting & I wish no woman would EVER have to go through it. My best friend & I found out we were pregnant the same week, & our due dates were only 10 days apart. She lost hers in the beginning of December, & I'm still hanging in at week 19. Like she said, until you experience a miscarriage, you don't really understand how devastating they are. I am SO, SO sorry, sweetie, & my thoughts & prayers are with you!
  • Sorry!! Hugs r send your way
  • I know its hard to wait hun! I had to wait 3 days for my dnc and it was over mothers day weekend last year...try again in your time, you can stay on this app though, we are all here to help you and comfort you!! Prayers for you!
  • It is safe to take a loading dose of asprin. That is 1500 mg.just make sure you eat something and drink lots of water.
  • They released me. Prescribed me lortabs. I passed the baby at home though. I saw it. I had to flush my baby down a toilet. I know there wasn't anything I could do to stop this but I wish I could have a baby without complications. I hope to god medicaid pays for this... I can't handle a miscarriage and a 20000 dollar hospital bill. The pain of this is something you can't put into words. I know too many people that take their pregnancy and children for granted. I will never ever do that. I have up most respect for a pregnant woman. Y'all really are beautiful. No matter how big your belly gets.... that's what makes you so beautiful. I envy you. But I wish you all the best pregnancies with out complications. I feel horrible. I don't mean to put a damper on things. I just feel like I lost the world.

    Artistmamma- you put me in tears. I could not imagine having 2. That's unthinkable. I would give up. You are an inspirational person. You have touched my heart in a very deep way and I will never forget what Comfort you have given me along with prayers and support. Thank you so much for your kindness. I hope you finally get your angel this time. You will be an astonishing mother

    Twin_angels and kayleesmommy- yall have gave me so much advise and help through this. Im sorry we can relate so much on this negative subject but at least we have someone who understands. Y'all are my support group. I may not know you personally but y'all made me feel like I've known you for years. The comfort y'all gave me was so helpful. I can only pray that more people will pick up on yalls kindness and share it. Im so thankful to have people like y'all or anyone that took concern on this status in my life. Even if it is over a forum. Im so grateful for the prayers and blessings from everyone. I wish I could give all of y'all a hug In real life. Y'all give me hope.
  • Hey babe.... I am sorry to hear that... I went through the same thing a little over three years ago and I saw the same as you and did the same thing... Having to flush something you love already is hard.... I kept seeing the vision of it everywhere but I promise it gets better just know that it wasnt your time and the right angel will be with you when its ready... I waited almost four years and finally found out yesterday I have another chance... Keep your faith whatever it is and make sure you learn to smile again... It helps I promise....i wish you all the luck...
  • I hope you make it this time. Thank you for your kind words.
  • Not a problem, I know its hard and I understand your pain. You have a huge heart and we are here to help you. Anytime you want to talk we are always here to help.
  • Thank you:] I really can't say that enough
  • I have been reading your posts since you started this discussion and I've been hoping everything would turn out ok. I just read what you said and it brought tears to my eyes. This happened two years ago to me and I had to just get over it because no one seemed to care. It just brought back memories of awful it feels to go throug something like this. I really feel for you and wish you nothing but the best but I know it will come in time. This will only make you stronger and will make you love your baby so much more in the future. I am pregnant again and my miscarriage still haunts me but I feel so much stronger now. Like I won't and can't give up. Try not to be alone in this time, if you are come on here. You'll get all the love and kind words you need. :)
  • Mariacon- thank you! Im the first person in my family to have this happen. Its very discouraging. But when ladies like yourself had the same thing happen and then you become pregnant again and have perfect babies it proves that you can defy the odds. Its people like you that help make this easier for me. Because of you and the others im not alone anymore. I have people with prove and the right words to say to keep me on a positive track and not a downward spiral. Im so thankful for your help. I can't tell you how much it means.
  • I am so so sorry.
  • My last pregnancy ended in an ectopic, I had to have surgery to take the baby out because I had so much internal bleeding. I lost the baby at 6 weeks on November 29, 2009. That was the worst day of my life and I am stuck with that memory. It is a terrible pain ( emotionally and physically) but it does get better.
  • A friend of mine went through 3 miscarriages at around 12 weeks each time, she is now 21 weeks with a healthy baby girl! It is possible for you to have a baby but make sure you are ready before trying again!
  • Im gonna wait till im completely healed mentally and physically before we try again. I want my fiance to be alright as well. We will be parents one day
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