What race/nationality are your children/unborns?



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  • 25% of each of the following:
    Sicilian (Daddy)
    Ukrainian (Daddy)
    English (me)
    Irish (me, yes diff than English)
    I still got the red hair and blue eyes, but fear I'm the last one in my line! Daddy has brown hair and eyes... Maybe ressesive will win!
  • Mexican, indian, german, from daddy side my side white, welsh , indian his
  • Opps hispanic
  • I'm half malaysian, half german & my husband is lebanese, so my baby will be european asian/arab
  • My baby is gonna be black Brazilian and Irish
  • @supermom405
    Thx! hope she dnt be to sassy with it...lol
    Yours w/o a doubt will b cute with that mix ;)
  • Mine will be puerto rican, nicaraguran (me) and haitian (bf/bd)
  • White lol. I have no idea what nationalities we have in us. I think I've got some German.
  • I can't wait. :)
  • :) thank u (as long as it dnt get its daddys big ole head lol) bt if ur baby's gonna b a, leo thts attitude on top of sass bcus ima leo & I kno I was good for suckin my teeth & eye rollin lol bt u knt stay mad @ how kute she's gonna be
  • 20% indain 20% cuban 10% white and 50% bahamian. My baby will be so mix up lol!!! :) My caribbean baby
  • Puerto rican,black,germen and irish can't wait to see how she looks
  • 3 of my grandparents immigrated here from Ireland and one came here from Wales. My husband's family is all Irish, too, so my kids are mostly Irish American with a tiny bit of Welsh, and we all look it, too--pale as hell and freckley. :) I'm hoping for a redhead this time.
  • well im not so sure about percentages but my family is full mexican and my husband is half mexican half salvadorian so my baby is gonna have a little salvadorian in him/her.
  • Me : Italian50% & German50%
    daddy: albanian 100%
    Baby: Italian, German and albanian :)
  • Black and white. (Unborn).

    I am MOSTLY:
    french, indian & spanish

    My fiance is MOSTLY:
    black, indian & arab. >:D<
  • Baby is 100% Arab:-)
  • Our boy will be 100% British.
  • Half guatemalan half puerto rican (:
  • 100% Mexican :)
  • Me and my boyfriend are both Irish & German
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  • A quarter native am (kiowa) and a quarter hawaiin (from me :]) and a quarter irish and a quarter german (from daddy :])
  • My baby will be: English, Scottish, American, Australian, Moroccan (Arab and berbere) and I think possibly Irish! No idea how dark or light our baby will be. Hoping for my husband's cute curls.
  • From me she'll be black, native american, and creole... From her dad she'll have a quarter indian (from india) in her... He's black and half indian. I'm hoping her skin tone will be a beautiful shade of red like his mothers... I'm not too worried about hair... Lol she has good genes from both sides so no way she can really go wrong...
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