avoid pls

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Avoid pls:)


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  • Im not sorry cause i know ur stron eff him u dont need him and youll do perfectly fine wthout him hunn...his loss gorgeouse keep ur head up for u and bby...theres alot of fish in the sea...@preggo123
  • Smh, men can be so damn lame sometimes. Don't worry about it hun. Just try to focus on you and your baby. You'll find someone that will treat you the way you need to be treated. Stay strong and be positive! ;-)
  • Thanks hun.and yeah your.right.
    I just found.out now and he was all being nice catering food too me and saying sorry andd blah idkk.:(
    but ur right....I am.better off without him
  • Thanks ladies:))
    Your support helps alot
  • Lol typical man! Since he's feeling so nice and catering let him do it. You may be mad at him, but not having to do a lot is niiiice! lol. ;-)
  • Walking away will hurt at first but it can only make you stronger. Just know what you are worth :-)
  • Beautifulone yup your right I'm just seeing what he can do....
    Elle_baby yeahhh your right
  • It does make you stronger..my sons"dad" cheated on me countless times when I was pregnant and I kept taking him back..don't make that mistake it just keeps hurting more and more everyone you see them..he's completely out of my sons life because he's such shit he would rather fuck a stripper and have her kids call him dad...it doesn't get better but it gets easier I'm so sorry you have to go thru this
  • @Tagensmommy I like the name Tagen. It's very different and original.
  • Awww! I am so sorry hun! That would be so hard. He doesn't deserve you. You are definitely better off without him. I feel your pain. Wish I could give you a hug. On a positive note, joy like you've never experienced before is coming your way. >:D<
  • @prego123 I'm in basically the same situation. I find bad stuff(lying&cheating) on his phone a lot and everytime it causes a huge fight! We have been off and on for almost 2 years and its hard to just let him go...but now that I'm preggo I feel like I'm stuck with the sadness he puts me thro. They say that a women becomes a mom when she becomes pregnant and a man becomes a dad when he holds his child for the first time. Hoepfully things change with our guys once our babys are born cuz its just too much pain! I know how u feel but just stay strong cuz like u said this baby will become ur world and the guy will only be missin out if he isn't there to support us!
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