im still trying to find out the date of conception! im due Aug/21

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
My LMP 11/14/10


  • So... my LMP was 12/14/10 and my official date they have given me is 9/20, but I know my conception date, so its actually 9/16. It's generally 10 to 14 days after the start of your period... depending on the length of your periods... My conception date was 12/26. I hope that helps.
  • Ya my LMP was Dec 3rd and we conceived on Dec 18th my due date is for Sept 6th. My cycles r generally 3 to 4 days long. Hope this helps :) gl and congratulations!
  • According to this conception calculator online I plugged ur due date in and it said u conceived on 11/28/2010. Also when I plugged ur due date in it got ur lmp date correct.
  • I'm due August 20 and I conceived November 27. My last period started on November 13.
  • If your due aug 21 then you conveiver around nov 28! Just put the due date into my mom2be app lol
  • Makes a lot of sense! Thank you all so much, I remember now I was Active the 23rd and the 28th and my LMP was Nov,14.. definitely conceived the 28th
  • your conception date is the same as your ovulation date. if you had sex on the 12th and you ovulated on the 15th, the 15th is technically when you concieved. sperm can live for 4-5 days in optimal conditions, our eggs only life 12-24 hours. So for the best chance of conception, you actually want to have sperm in place in your tubes when you ovulate.
  • i'm also due august 20th... i concieved on my wedding night lol... 27th november, the first day of my last period was 13th november.
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