are there any november mommies who's already showing?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
9weeks here and already showing.


  • I am 7w2d today and not really showing yet but I had to buy ne bras 1size up. @-)
  • 8w2d and not showing yet i wish.
  • 9 weeks tommorow and already had to go in maternity clothes...regular jeans were so uncomfortable. I feel like mine is a lot of bloating though.
  • I'm 8w4d and still not showing..I wish I were though lol
  • Not sure. I'm due November 8 and am totally afraid to put on my jeans now! Will soon be time for a Belly Band. :-((
  • I'm 8 weeks. My pants are getting tight and had to break out maternity, but I think its mostly bloating. Everyone keeps telling me I'm having twins....hope not but we will see next week.
  • im 10 weeks and not showing yet
  • showing a little bit, mostly bloating though. although this isnt my first pregnancy so i hear you show earlier… 7w4d
  • I don't even feel very bloated but my stomachs definitely protruding a bit already I'm 7 weeks 2 Days with my 2nd
  • I'm 7 weeks 3 days n I'm really bloated. I only have 1 pair of jeans left that fit. and of course I don't own or can't afford maternity...
  • im 6 weeks and bloated not to bad but my favorite jeans are getting snug :(
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