
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Going to miscarry for the 3rd time. Ultra sound on Friday showed a very low heart beat that kept stopping.

Guess I give up. Doc says there's most likely something wrong w/ me. Wants to do surgery, but I doubt imma care to go thro w/ this.

Thanks for the support of those who showed it! :-((


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  • I'm sorry...
  • Oh my gosh:( how hard for you... im so sorry. I hope you don't give up though. Keep faith. Even when things seem impossible. Im sure that's easier said then done. Im truly sorry for your loss.
  • I'm very sorry! I'll be praying for you & yours! & I'm not sure how you feel about adoption, but there could be some mother who just doesn't feel ready & you could give that baby the moon & more (: Think positive & know you have supporters all around you!!
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. There are tons of things the doctor's can test for if you want to persue pregnancy. Do you mind if I ask how far along you are and what the baby's heartrate was at? Is the doctor 100% sure you'll miscarry?
  • I'm 7w/4d. According to doc. A week ago, the heart rate was 97, that was @ 6w/4d, Friday it was lower, but he didn't say.. they struggled to read it. Holding my breath didn't help either
  • Well don't stress out.. & maybe the baby will be okayy!!!
  • I hope and pray you will make it through this hard time. I myself had miscarriages and thought I was never going to be able to conceive with my husband :-( than my little girl came along and hang on even after q hematoma @ 9 weeks. I'm 25 weeks in & I believe that God is there listening just waiting to give you the best surprise in life. DON'T LOSE FAITH!!
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  • I'm so very sorry....thinking of you..
  • Have faith. The best things in life happen when you least expect it! But I am terribly sorry for your loss and hope that the baby is ok.
  • @Sara I know how you feel. I've had 3 miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy. I'm now almost 6 weeks pregnant and hoping and praying this one makes it. My cousin had 3 ectopic and 3 miscarriages but she now has 4 children. Whenever I get discouraged I think of her and I'm filled with hope. I know how hard it is and how sad and emotional. After the ectopic I was actually afraid of having sex for a few months and I would cry every time my husband and I made love so I know it is very hard and emotional. But don't give up! And if you need someone to talk to I'm here =)
  • God bless you
  • SO sorry. Thoughts are with you at such a sad time. Life can be so unfair. I hope the doctors can help you. Best wishes for the future x x x
  • @preggers, I too have had an ectopic, had to have it surgically removed, I can no longer reproduce from my left side, but u give me hope.

    All of you give me hope, and I appreciate it. I thank u all for your prayers, and I will hold them close, and never let go! Thank you!
  • I saw on a baby story a lady kept having miscarriages till one doctor ( one that doesn't special in miscarriages but is very good at fixing and getting down to the problem ). She had low heart rates as well. Hope this helps. God will bless you! He promises to give you hope and a future! A future with a baby. Maybe your going through this valley in life for a reason. Believe it or not this experience has a purpose for you! God bless you! I'm praying for you!
  • Oh to tell you the rest about a baby story... they finally found the problem and fixed it! Wish I remembered what it was! But she became pregnant and had a healthy baby!
  • So sorry sweetie! Ive had 2 misscarraiges in a yr! :( same issue. Iam now pregnang again..3 mos. Errythings is fine! My bby (by the grace of God) will arrive aug. 11th. Never lose faith hun...keep trying! Everything happens for a reasonn...gud or bad! I send yu my love & prayers! Keep yur head up...but NEVER give up!
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