on bed rest today

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So yesterday I had my check up with my doctor and 50 minutes before I had some bleeding but it was mostly gone when I saw my dr. They did an ultrasound and everything was fine. Then late last night I started bleeding and got right into the car and made the almost hour trip to the hospital. They told me that the chance of me miscarrying at 13 weeks is very slim and they did another ultrasound and we saw our baby sucking his or her thumb. They sent me home and I continued to have bleeding through the night and now its just spotting. I called to follow up this morning and now I'm on bed rest for the day. We spent our weekend moving and I'm laying her surrounded by a million things that need done. They think I may have overdone it by putting my body under too much, as I've also been having trouble sleeping. Not to mention I couldn't go to work today. Tomorrow I see my dr again and I'm worried about endidng up on a longer bed rest.

Has anyone else gone through something like this?


  • I guess nobody has.
  • Yes, at 11 wks I had a gush of blood and had been spotting since 6 weeks. I was on bed rest and continued to spot until about 13 weeks...now 16w 4 days...baby girl is doing well...Dr. has keeping very close eye on me since...now its my blood pressure...on bed rest again for a week...will b looking into my short term disability now just in case it will b longer. My Dr. says sometimes the cervix gets scraped or goes through changes during pregnant that's why some women bleed..it should resolve itself soon...hope this helps....no u r not alone.:)
  • I'm on bed rest now. I was 26 weeks nd had spotting. Went to the hospital nd found out I was dilated a cm so they kept me nd my contractions started. But they stopped nd I'm still on bed rest at 29 weeks. I go to the doc in the a.m so I hope she say I can do something bc I have moves to make
  • Wow thank you ladies. So when on bed rest is it ok to get up and move around like going to the bathroom? Do you have to lay down all the time or can you sit up too? I'm seeing my Dr again in half an hour and I'm nervous. I work and I don't know What we are gonna do if I end up on bed rest.

    @OregonMama. Do you know What caused it? Was it from straining? I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
  • I'm 19 wks n on strictly bed rest I had to have my cervix stitched at 16 wks...Monday everything seems to be Just fine found out I'm having a princess which I wanted...I hope everything is good with You
  • I've been on bed rest since 8 weeks.18 weeks now. Taking Makena injections every week. Have doc appts every week and once a month I see the mfm docs from the other side of the state.
  • It sucks but we do what we have to right?
  • I had a subchronic hemmorage and had bleeding like you've had but at 9 weeks...its all better now I am almost 14 weeks...was really scary tho...good luck :)
  • I have been on bed rest since 20 weeks, im 29 weeks now. Im high risk with lupus nephritis, and my blood pressure went up but is under control now. Its really hard to sit around but I know its best for my baby girl!! Oh and my body is starting to hurt from siring and laying down so much so I started walking one block every other day and monitoring my bp! Good luck everyone!!
  • Thanks everyone. I had my appointment today and the Dr couldn't find anything. He said my cervix is normal and that it could possibly be from the placenta but everything looks good. He said he doesn't think it will happen again but they are doing another ultrasound next week partially to look at the placenta. He said it was also possible that it had been a cycst. He didn't give me any restrictions starting tomorrow other than no intercourse.
  • No more bleeding at this point but I feel so worried since the other night. : (
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