Anyone due a hospital tour....and hated it?

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
So I was all excited to go on the hospital tour since I had never been to this place. It was going great...the people were nice...then she takes us through the process. When I 1st arrive they'll take you back, ALONE to a tiny triage room just to make sure you're in active labor,then assuming they have a bed free, you go down to the labor/delivery room where your partner or who ever can join you. After having the baby the move you to a tiny private recovery room until your released. I like the fact that everything is private but im not too happy about that 1st room going in by myself. The tour guide said it was for our privacy. Wth????
Anyone else love/hate their hospital??


  • All hospitals have some rules that are made to be broken. Just be pushy about your partner being in the room when you go to triage. It's not like it'll be a surprise to them you're having a baby. :p One person is more than reasonable.
  • Some do it so they can ask you questions you may be afraid to answer with someone else there. I know its a pain.
  • At my hospital the room we deliver in we stay in until we are released its a huge room we have the internet and tv and our own bathroom with a shower
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