omg heartburn!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im having the worst case of heartburn right now! Its 4am and I just want to sleep! I haven't been able to get even 1 min of sleep. I just want it to stop.


  • pay attention to what ur eating and drinking. I had it really bad and noticed it was from drinking root beer so I wont dare touch it now. even though its soooo good.. hope u start feeling better
  • Are you still up?!
  • @ghettobetty when I finally fell asleep at about 4 30am I was then woke up at about 5am by the weather! It sounded like the devil and god we're fighting in my bedroom lol I don't think I have ever heard thunder like that lol after that the hubs got up and gave me the bed for about 2hrs so I could stretch and be comfy I was really thankful!
    @ittybitty I have sever acid reflux before I got preggo so anyrthing I eat or drink gives me heartburn lol ut I only have 6wks3days left so I can deal with it. Its all for a good reason!! And ty!
  • Zantec works wonders! I was the same with my first my doc told me to take a zantec a day it helped so much
  • I was up most of the night too. Been on a super emotional rollercoaster! Feeling better now! Hope you get more sleep tonight!
  • I have been using tums dual action, you only need to eat 1! And I have had it soooo bad that I woke up one night with stomach acid pouring out of my nose, I also had one morning I threw it up and it was burning my throat so bad, I couldn't catch my breath!
  • @tagensmommy zantac stop working! Lol
    @ghettobetty glad the emotions are better! Hope you can sleep better too!
    @ammasmama im gonna have to try and find those malox works sometimes. And that really sucks I get it to where the acid comes up and I wake up choking on it so I know how you feel! Hope its gets a lil better for you!
  • Means your baby is gonna have a head full of hair girl!!! I had tons so bad and I had my son last week, he has so much hair I can spike it, give him a mo-hawk and everything. He's got a head full. I know it sucks but hang in there. Drink milk it coats everything stopping it.
  • Going to lay down now so g'night lsdies!
  • My midwife also said that pepcid complete works well too. I know with my last one they prescribed something.
  • @gabbs236 the us tech from the 3dus showed us he has hair lol!
  • @gabbs326 if that's the case this little girls gonna come out with pigtails!!!
  • Thanks good night!
  • Lol yes ladies your babies should have head fulls of hair :)
  • Ask your doctor. Mine gave me some zantac 75. Its not much,but it help ones a day.
  • Tums is my best friend right now lol. But it stops working after awhile.
  • Awe that sucks :( ask your doctor if you should take something special our if there's a perception those last few weeks are uncomfortable enough
  • OMG um having heartburn rite now too just got off work bout 4 laid down now um having major heartburn
  • What does heart burn feel like?
  • Like sumone is punching u in da chest bur not so hard dat u can't take the pain @yummymummy1
  • Ohh ok thanks.
  • @yummmymummy1 it also feels like someone id stabbing u through the heart at times too lol it sucks
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